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Study on the Legal Protection Problems of the Financial Privacy
作者 易濤
With the financial industry and information technology rapidly developing, a new type of rights the right to financial privacy is created on the basis of the traditional right of privacy. When using financial services provided by financial institutions, in particular, customers have to provide their basic financial information. Through this way, financial institutions can collect a large amount of financial privacy information of their customers, which further can become valuable commercial resources. By virtue of their obviously strong positions in financial transactions, financial institutions are highly likely to illegally disclose, use or deliver the obtained information without the permit of their customers, which puts those customers' rights to financial privacy in danger of being easily violated. Thus, it can be observed that legal protection problems of the right to privacy have become increasingly prominent, which have already been regarded as a big social concern. By means of illuminating the basic theory of the right to financial privacy, combining that with China's current legal protection system, and also, referring to advanced foreign experience on the legal protection of the right to financial privacy, this paper seeks to put forward some reasonable proposals for the improvement of China’s current protection of the right to financial privacy.
起訖頁 88-116
關鍵詞 金融隱私權金融客戶金融資訊法律保護Financial PrivacyFinancial CustomersFinancial InformationLegal Protection
刊名 科技与法律  
期數 201602 (2016:1期)
出版單位 中國科學技術法學會
該期刊-上一篇 我國食品安全法律實施中的司法制度創新研究
該期刊-下一篇 論風險導向型決策和我國環境治理




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