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Study on the Judgment of “Amendments Shall Not Go Beyond the Scope” for Patent Application for Invention
作者 袁翠
The judgment of amendments to patent application documents for invention shall not go beyond the scope of disclosure contained in the initial description and claims (hereinafter referred to as “amendments shall not go beyond the scope”) is a widely involved question in the examination practice. The question is given highly attention in the process of substantive examination, reexamination, invalidation and litigation. As to current criterion for judgment of “amendments shall not go beyond the scope” and the scale of judgment, there are disputes and uncertainty in theory and practice needing to be resolved urgently. The thesis arises a question from two judicial decisions, and makes an intensive study on the correlative provisions and ways of judgment in SIPO, EPO and USPTO, especially for several typical amendment leading to the broadening of claims, and compares the merits and demerits of the examination criterions and processing methods of the question in the patent systems of SIPO, EPO and USPTO, and then raises comments and suggestions on how to unify the criterion and scale for judgment of “amendments shall not go beyond the scope” in SIPO.
起訖頁 18-51
關鍵詞 發明專利專利審查修改不得超範圍記載的範圍Patent for InventionPatent ExaminationAmendments Shall Not Go Beyond the ScopeScope of Disclosure
刊名 科技与法律  
期數 201602 (2016:1期)
出版單位 中國科學技術法學會
該期刊-上一篇 智慧財產權強國建設基本問題初探
該期刊-下一篇 科技進步拓展意思自治之適用空間——論代孕中親子關係的認定的規制模式選擇




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