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作者 弗裡茨‧施圖爾姆陳衛佐 (Chen Weizuo)
德國民法典之於1900年1 月1 日開始施行,標志著德意志帝國在民法領域內的法律統一,是德國私法發展史上值得大書特書的事件。文章首先回顧了在德國民法典生效之前,法國民法典、普魯士一般邦法、薩克森民法典、普通法等在德國施行的情形,突出了當時德意志帝國在民法上四分五裂的狀況。接著敘述了學者們圍繞制定全國性民法典問題的論爭,分析了阻礙法律統一的歷史原因。隨著商法在德國的統一, 以及旨在使德意志帝國的立法管轄權擴張及於民法的修憲鬥爭之得勝,制定統一民法典的時機趨於成熟。負責起草民法典的第一委員會經過1 3 年的努力,於1888年公布了德國民法典第一草案及其“理由書”。由於該草案備受社會各界的批評,1890年成立的第二委員會受命重新草擬民法典,於1895年公布了第二草案及“議事錄“。帝國參議院對第二草案作了少許修改,成為第三草案,於1896年獲得帝國議會通過,於同年8 月2 4 日公布,德國民法典遂告誕生,在民法領域統一法律的目標乃得以實現。伴隨著德國民法典的問世,在德國出現了一系列民法典注釋,成為德國民法學上蔚為大觀的景象,其中包羅最廣的是至今已有百年歷史的《施陶丁格爾德國民法典注釋》。文章對該注釋的發起人施陶丁格爾的生平作了介紹,並對該注釋的成就作出了積極的評價。最後,作為注釋人之一的作者充分肯定了注釋工具書對於民法學說和判例不可低估的作用。
The enforcement of BGB on January1, 1900 was a symbol of unification of law in the area of civil law within German Empire, it was a great event in the history of German private law. T h e article looks back first of all on the putting into force of the Code civil, the Prussian ALR, the BGB of Sachsen and the ius commune in Germany before BGB became effective, giving prominence to the Situation of split of civil law in the German Empire. It goes on narrating the debate of scholars as to drafting a national civil code and analysing the historical reasons which hindered the unification of law. With the unification of commercial law in Germany and the victory of the constitutional drive for extending the legislative competence to civil law, the conditions of drafting a unified civil code became mature. After nearly 13 years of efforts made by the First Commission responsible for drafting a civil code, the First Draft along with its “Motiven ” was published in 1888. Due to the widespread criticisms to the First Draft, the Second Commission, set up in 1890, was charged to draft the civil code. In 1895 the Second Draft was published, along with“ Protocols”. The Bundesrat made only insignificant amendments to the Second Draft, and as so amended it was laid before the Reichstag as the Third Draft in 1896. BGB was promulgated on August 24, 1896. Thus the goal of unification of law in the area of civil law has been reached. Alongside the enforcement of BGB, a series of commentaries to BGB have been published in Germany, forming a magnificent scene of German civil law Science. Among them the most comprehensive one is Staudinger’s commentary, which has a history of one hundred years up to now. The article also introduces the life of Staudinger, and appraises his commentary positively. At last, the author, as one of the commentators, fully affirms the significance of commentaries to the doctrines and practises of civil law.
起訖頁 313-342
關鍵詞 民法法律統一德國民法典施陶丁格爾注釋Civil LawUnification of LawBGBStaudingerCommentary
刊名 私法  
期數 200203 (2期)
出版單位 華中科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 不動產物權衝突研究
該期刊-下一篇 德國民法典對日本民法及民法學的影響




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