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On the Phenomenon "One State with Several Names" in Pre-Qin Times, with a Discussion of the Relationship between the Two Names Zeng and Sui
作者 黃聖松 (Huang Sheng-sung)
"One state with several names" refers to the fact that the same state appears with different names in ancient texts. In the pre-Qin books and unearthed materials, there are eight such examples: "Jin, Tang, and Yi," "Chu, Jing, and Ying," "Zhou and Chunyu," "Xianyu and Zhongshan," "Wu, Gan, and Han," "Wei, Liang and Jin," "Zhao, Jin, and Handan" and "Han and Zheng." In these eight examples, the variant names are geographical names that can further be divided into capital names and other geographical names. Capital names are used by other states, not for selfreference, while other geographical names can be used by other states and the state itself. Using capital names belittles the states concerned: both their territory and status. That is why they are only used by other states, but not by the states themselves. Using other geographical names, on the other hand, is a way to boost the territorial size of the concerned states. That is why they are used both by other states and the states themselves. This paper supports the theory that Zeng and Sui refer to the same state. Zeng is the formal name of the state, and Sui its capital name. Zeng surrendered its autonomy to Chu; therefore Chu referred to Zeng as "Sui" so as to diminish its status. Bronze wares made by Zeng bear its formal name "Zeng," rather than "Sui," for the abovementioned reason. With regard to the relationship between Chu and Zeng, this author believes that the two states were related through marriages over generations, therefore Chu let Zeng continue to exist as an independent state at least until the late Spring and Autumn and early Warring States times. Although Chu and Zeng were related by marriages, Chu continued to refer to Zeng as "Sui," so as to show its supremacy and dominance over Zeng.
起訖頁 121-169
關鍵詞 一國多名one state with several namesZengSuiChuJing
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201409 (45期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 陸象山學問的詮釋學性格
該期刊-下一篇 從《玉海》、《困學紀聞》看王應麟的《詩經》文獻學




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