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The Hermeneutical Significance of Lu Xiangshan's Doctrine
作者 林維杰
In this article I examine the hermeneutical significance of Lu Xiangshan's doctrine in three aspects. Firstly, I will demonstrate that Lu's doctrine is premised on the concept that "the mind/heart is the (moral) principle." Secondly, I discuss the so-called Goose Lake Conference, where Lu challenged Zhu Xi with some sharp questions. The argument, at heart, is: "the principle of epistemology" has priority over "the principle of subjectivity" according to Zhu, but for Lu, "the principle of subjectivity" reigns supreme. Thirdly, I explore the hermeneutical dimension of "the principle of subjectivity" to suggest that Lu's famous propositions-"The Six Classics are my footnotes" and "The Six Classics interpret me"-are based on "subjectivity." In other words, the "I as fundamental mind/heart (benxin)" will, in the hermeneutical process, transform into the "interpreting I." At this turn, the "interpreting I" will typically render the complexity of the texts into principles and main ideas, sacrificing the textual nuances. To conclude, we understand Lu's teaching as a kind of ontological hermeneutics, which bears the characteristics of heteronomy.
起訖頁 95-119
關鍵詞 鵝湖之會尊德性與道問學先後與本末存有論詮釋學詮釋學他律the Goose Lake Conference"honoring the virtuous nature" and "following the path of inquiry and study"the fundamental and the incidental ontological hermeneuticshermeneutical heteronomy
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201409 (45期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 六朝佛法與世教交涉下的戒殺論述
該期刊-下一篇 先秦「一國多名」現象芻議--兼論曾、隨二名之關係




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