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The Enlightening and Thought-provoking Voice from China
作者 林伍
耄耋高齡的廈門大學法學院國際經濟法學教授、中國國際經濟法學會榮譽會長陳安教授所撰英文專著《中國的吶喊:陳安論國際經濟法》(The Voice from China: An CHEN on International Economic Law)(簡稱為《中國的吶喊》),新近由享有國際學術盛譽的德國權威出版社Springer向全球推出,在國際經濟法學界引起廣泛關注。本書彙集作者自1980年以來三十多年不同時期撰寫的24篇英文專論。全書852頁,分為六部分,分別探討和論證了當代國際經濟法基本理論和重要實踐的學術前沿重大問題。
The English monograph of Prof. An CHEN, an octogenarian prominent professor at School of Law, Xiamen University and the Honorary Chairman of Chinese Society of International Economic Law (CSIEL for short, a nation-wide academic society), was recently published by Springer-verlag, a Germany-located yet world-renowned Publisher, under a broad title “The Voice from China: An CHEN on International Economic Law”. It has now entered the main disseminating channel of academic works, arousing extensive attention in the circles of international economic law. This monograph, with a total six parts and a colossal volume of 852 pages, has compiled within it 24 of Prof. Chen’s articles written in English since early 1980s. These English articles were mostly published by wellknown academic journals in and out of China. Guided by Marxism, they are all based on a common stand of China’s national conditions and a consistent perspective of world weak groups, endeavoring to speak up a completely different voice from those of mainstream Western powers as regards the fundamental theoretical problems and hot or controversial issues in practice in the field of contemporary international economic law. During his active participation in world academic debates, Prof. Chen persistently advocates for the just proposals of the many developing countries, and tries his best to reveal the improperness and potential hazard of those misguiding mainstream theories from the West, so as to protect the equitable rights and interests of world weak groups including China. This is why the monograph is entitled “The Voice from China”.
起訖頁 8-14
刊名 国际经济法学刊  
期數 201506 (21:4期)
出版單位 廈門大學國際經濟法研究所
該期刊-上一篇 《中國的吶喊》書評薈萃
該期刊-下一篇 晨起臨窗坐,書香伴芳菲--喜覽《中國的吶喊:陳安論國際經濟法》




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