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The Reason why Xia-Men Played an Essential Role in the Coast Defense of Fu-Jian in the Ming Dynasty
作者 何孟興
Located at the coastland between the Quan-Zhou and the Zhang-Zhou in Fu-Jian, Xia-Men is essential for its military position. After the Ming Dynasty was established, the Ming government posted the Zhong-Zuo-Qian-Hu- Suo(中左千戶所)and the Ta-Tou-Xun-Jian-S(i 塔頭巡檢司) in Xia-Men. Besides, the movement of the naval base, the Wu-Yu-Shui-Zhai(浯嶼水寨), gave Xia-Men the opportunity to become a major military district in Fu-Jian in the middle and late years of the Ming dynasty. After the movement, the naval fleets, the Wu-Tong-You- Bing(浯銅遊兵)and the Wu-Peng-You-Bing(浯澎遊兵), both took the Xia-Men to be their berth. Moreover, the military officer, the Nan-Lu-Can-Jiang(南路參將), and the troop, the Quan-Nan-You-Ji(泉南遊擊), also once regarded the Xia-Men as their ontrol and command center. In the Tian-Chi period of the Ming Dynasty, when the Dutch occupied the Peng-Hu islands, the Xun-Fu(巡撫), the prime administrator of Fu-Jian, and the Zong-Bing(總兵), the military commander in chief, both came to Xia-Men to direct the military action to expel the Dutch from the Peng-Hu islands. Thereafter, because of the weakness and inability of the Ming government, Xia-Men became a place for the Dutch’s smuggling, and the Chinese pirates fought with each other in order to rule this place.
起訖頁 55-82
關鍵詞 廈門中左千戶所浯嶼水寨Xia-MenZhong-Zuo-Qian-Hu-SuoWu-Yu-Shui-Zhai
刊名 止善  
期數 201506 (18期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 唐宋詞中「蠶」的意象探析
該期刊-下一篇 工作精神――從行會到個人化




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