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Spirit of the work: from the Guild to Personalize
作者 王之相
In modern societies, work honor have been monopolized by successful few. This paper tries to find out the path through which the paradigm of the spirit of work transformed from medieval guild system to present configuration. The ‘economic’ activities of guilds were embedded into multiple medieval cities daily lives. The significance of work was not derived from craft only, but also permeated the whole community life. Such a structural relationship showed up the unique spirit of work of medieval guild. This structural relationship has gradually collapsed since the coming of modern age. The rise of capitalist production, rise of labor unions and its being undermined, the impact of automation and globalization cut off the connection between workers and their communities. Without such organic ties with their communities, individual craftsman only enjoy a kind of solitary glory. Since organizational man have transformed into economic man, the development keeps on changing. By now, the identity of individual seems to be on the basis of private life, rather than work experience. Personal skill and personal life come to be a phenomenon, or fate of individualization. In contemporary worldview, natural communities are seriously explained away; however, they may be the sustaining linkage of working technology, social value and individual life vision.
起訖頁 83-114
關鍵詞 行會工作共同體個人化GuildWorkCommunityIndividualization
刊名 止善  
期數 201506 (18期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 廈門中左所:明代閩南海防重鎮變遷之探索
該期刊-下一篇 從世界主義批判羅爾斯《萬民法》容忍度的概念




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