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Tang and Song “Silkworm” Imagery Analysis
作者 涂茂齡
Chinese silk sericulture take early history, much in the “Book of Songs” era had spread records of women sewing clothes for aristocrats using sericultural silk. Since sericulture was an important source of income to the farmers, the 'silkworm' imagery was frequently used in poetry literature mentioning farm life. A total of 205 records in Tang Poetry appeared the description of “Silkworm”, while 74 records appeared in the Tang and Song Lyrics. Although the descriptions of silkworms in the Song Lyrics weren’t as many as those in the Tang Poetry, the quality of contents was far beyond it. This article aims to analyze the Lyrics that contain the word “silkworm”. There are four scopes: first, describing the farm life in the Shu area. Second, conveying Boudoir Blues. Third, express two imageries: “the passage of time” and the “Sentiments of Spring”. Fourth, conveying the metaphor of “life is like a silkworm”. Through the presentation and appreciation of these implications to understand the sentiment and the Inner Meaning of Literature when the Tang people are conveying the imagery of “silkworm”.
起訖頁 35-54
關鍵詞 唐宋詞閨怨農家傷春情懷Silkwormang and Song LyricsBoudoir BluesFarm LifeSentiments of Spring
刊名 止善  
期數 201506 (18期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
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