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Displaced within and Exiled outside Territory: Karen Refugees’ Nationalist Movement and Spatial Struggle at the Thai-Burma Border
作者 趙中麒
A space, physically, is an arena where battles, rituals and ceremonies, the essential economic activities, and daily interactions take place within. However, when rituals, ceremonies, and activities are practiced for generations by a national community within the space, it slowly transforms into a landscape with meanings, a landscape unique to a nation. Nevertheless, there are not enough “rooms” physically available for all national communities. History thus has witnessed many instances where two or more communities simultaneously claim the same plot of land as theirs. Consequently, national space has always been a site of contestation for political controls. If the conflicting claims cannot be solved, rival communities often resort to armed contestation in the name of nationalism, and such contestations frequently result in displacement. The Karen and the Burman, due to different understandings of history and expectations of their national spaces, have each launched their respective nationalist movements. However, the nationalist movement does not end with the flow of refugees crossing the national border into the other country. Rather, the nationalist movement usually extends to the country receiving refugees. Karen people’s nationalism also exists in refugee camps and leads to the transformation of refugee camps into a Karen non-territorial territory that turns the Karen people into a recognizable displaced nation as opposed to a group of rootless refugees.
起訖頁 251-290
關鍵詞 難民民族主義空間爭奪默會共識非領土性領地RefugeeNationalist MovementSpatial StruggleTacit ConsensusNon-territorial Territory
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201409 (19期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 理解當代中國民族主義﹕制度、情感結構與認識框架
該期刊-下一篇 傳教士子女在中國:十九世紀內地會與芝罘學校的創立




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