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Missionary Children in China: China Inland Mission and the Foundation of the Chefoo Schools in Late of Nineteenth Century
作者 張勤瑩
The issue about how missionary children grew up in the country where their parents worked particularly in Modern China has been long neglected in the missionary history either in Chinese or English literature. How missionary children were educated during their childhood and youth? What did they learn in Chinese surroundings when they were young? How did those missionaries also as parents look at the education of their children? This article is primarily concerned with the education and activities in the Chefoo School which was established in late nineteenth-century China. In considering the childhood of the missionary children, some following questions were arisen, such as how missionary parents raised children in China, what kind of courses were offered for these children, educated in the Chefoo Schools. It is hoped that this article may lead to understanding of the historical reasons of the Chefoo Schools that was established in the North China by James H. Taylor in 1881 and the history of western children educated in China. In addition, the findings of this research would contribute to realize educational problems troubled those missionary parents in inland provinces of China and the development of the China Inland Mission.
起訖頁 291-332
關鍵詞 內地會芝罘學校傳教士子女戴德生蘭大弼China Inland Missionthe Chefoo Schoolsmissionary childrenJames Hudson Taylor (1832-1905)David Landsborough Ⅳ(1914-2010)
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201409 (19期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 流離在領土內、飄蕩在領土外?泰緬邊境克倫難民民族運動的空間爭奪
該期刊-下一篇 不需對話的族群分類─寮國北部的「人民」與「國家」




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