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When Neoliberal State Hegemony Encounters Wealth Followers: A Case Study of Fujian-Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone
作者 趙彥寧
本文探究閩北國境邊區在2010年海西特區和福建平潭綜合實驗區成立之後,為求建設與台灣「五個共同」(「共同規劃、共同開發、共同經營、共同管理、共同受益」)的「兩岸共同家園」, 中國中央與地方政府針對該島居民而設計與施展的治理手段、以及底層公民的日常生活生命政治狀態。本文的結論為,新自由主義市場邏輯的金錢幻術治理模式,已然成為此刻的道德經濟衡量準則,在此情境之中,常民也日益喪失社會能動性(更遑論反抗既存威權體制)的施展能力。
The PRC central government’s institution of the Economic Special Zone to the West Coast of Taiwan Strait along southeastern China, in particular the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone, in the year of 2010 calls officially for building up a “Cross-Strait Common Homeland” together with Taiwanese entrepreneurs that would be characterized by “the Five Commons” (“Common Planning, Common Development, Common Organizing, Common Management, Common Profiting”). This paper examines the means by which both the central and local government manage to govern the residents of Pingtan, as well as the bio-political condition the local underclass are experiencing on a dailylife basis. It concludes with the argument that neoliberal market logic in the form of money-fetish value has become the overriding principle of moral economy, which renders local people increasingly powerless in the face of the authoritarian political regime.
起訖頁 153-188
關鍵詞 海西特區福建平潭綜合實驗區兩岸共同家園Economic Special Zone to the West Coast of Taiwan StraitFu-Jian Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zonecross-strait common homeland
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201409 (19期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 文明與暴力共存的弔詭︰從蹴鞠、擊鞠與捶丸的興衰管窺華夏文明的文明化歷程
該期刊-下一篇 理解當代中國民族主義﹕制度、情感結構與認識框架




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