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The Paradoxical Coexistence of Civilization and Violence: An Exploratory Study of the Chinese Civilizing Process Illustrated with the Rise and Fall of the Ball Games
作者 湯志傑
This article aims at studying the civilizing process in the Chinese society. By contrasting it with the modern civilizing process in the West, I will discuss what the different paths means from the perspective of comparative study of civilizations. Guided by the idea that violence is socially constructed, this research adopts the approach of structural typology to investigate the relevance between the performances of violence and the societal structures, to clarify the paradox of the coexistence of civilization and violence, and to refute the myth that civilization will dispel violence. By way of exploring the rise and fall of the ball games of jiju, cuji and chuiwan, I will identify a decisive shift in the civilizing process in the Chinese society and call it literatization. I will explain why this shift had to do with the so called Tang-Song transition. I argue that this shift resulted from the change of the forms of societal differentiation. Then, I will highlight the world history’s significance of the gentry society that was governed by a yin/yang dual structure, and explain why the coexistence of violence and civilization expressed such a particular configuration under this specific social formation to give a persuasive answer to the following puzzle: why do the Chinese that have a culture of condemning violence and emphasizing harmony display so frequently violent sayings and behaviors in daily life.
起訖頁 91-152
關鍵詞 文明暴力文人化陰陽二元結構比較文明研究civilizationviolenceliteratizationyin/yang dual structurecomparative study of civilizations
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201409 (19期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 批評與回應:王國斌回應
該期刊-下一篇 新自由主義國家霸權與邊境暴富主體的交逢:福建平潭綜合實驗區的案例




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