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The Relationship among the Types of Duty Distribution, Duty Choice, Teachers’ Perception of Distributive Justice and Work Efficiency in Elementary Schools
作者 曾志平陳怡靖 (Yi-Gean Chen)鄭燿男
本研究旨在探討國小教師兼任行政的問題,討論焦點在:不同職務分配制度是否有不同的行政效能與教學效能;職務分配公平知覺、職務選擇知覺對於行政效能與教學效能的影響性如何。本研究採問卷調查法,抽取500位教師填寫問卷,資料分析結果得到以下結論:教師職務分配採取綜合制較佳。選擇兼任行政職務的知覺,以為了學習成長而選擇兼任行政職務的知覺較有利於未來的行政效能與教學效能;若是學校著重於兼任行政教師的行政效能, 應尋覓為了學習成長而兼任行政的教師,若是著重於兼任行政教師的教學效能則應提升職務分配公平的知覺,或是選擇為了專業與自我條件而兼行政者。
This study aims to explore the problem of teachers’ duty distribu­tion on administration in elementary schools and the main issues are “Do different duty distribution systems cause different administrational efficiency and teaching efficiency? Do teachers’ perception of distributive justice and duty choice have any effect on administration efficiency and teaching efficiency ? ” This study draws out 500 teachers and applies the questionnaire method in elementary schools. After statistical analysis, the results are as follows: The best way to duty distribution is integration method. It benefits their administration efficiency and teaching efficiency when teachers’ reason on duty choice is to learn and develop themselves. If schools hope the teachers have better administrational efficiency, they should find the teachers who hope to learn and develop themselves. If schools hope the teachers have better teaching efficiency, they should find the teachers who hope to develop themselves in their professional field, or they have to improve teachers’ perception of distributive justice.
起訖頁 262-276
關鍵詞 教師職務選擇職務分配工作效能組織公平teachers’ duties choicework distributionwork efficiencyorganizational justice
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201511 (100期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.3966/160683002015110100012   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 桃竹苗地區國民小學代理代課教師知覺組織支持、心理契約與組織公民行為之相關研究




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