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Erich Fromm and His Social Thought: Toward a Humanistic Rationalized Society
作者 宋明順
本文從佛洛姆與馬克思及佛洛伊德的關係,探討佛洛姆的思想淵源及其理論特色。佛洛姆批判繼承了馬克思及佛洛伊德理論,加以巧妙揉合及發揚,以形成 其獨特且具批判性的人文主義社會心理學理論。對馬克思理論,他提出「社會性格」(social character)的理論,以填補存在於社會的下層結構與上層結構之間的斷溝。對佛洛伊的精神分析理論,佛洛姆注入了社會及文化因素,以彌補其純生物學取向的不足。佛洛姆對現代社會危機的分析,其對權威主義人格、權威主義宗教、權威主義倫理學的批判,對我國當前社會而言,具十分特殊的針砭作用。這可能是其理論受國人重視的原因之一,而分析佛洛姆社會思想對我國社會的重要意義,也是本又研究的目的之一。「十九世紀的問題是上帝死了;二十世紀的問題是人死了。…過去的危險是人怕成為奴隸;未來的危險是人可能成為機械人。」--E.佛洛姆:「理性的掙扎」。「生命的目標是在充分誕生,而我們的悲劇則是我們大部分人直到死時都沒有如此誕生!活著就是每一分鐘都在誕生,當誕生停止,死亡就降臨。」--E.佛洛姆等著:「襌與心理分析」。
This paper examines the origins and the characteristics of the social theory of Erich Fromm, emphases are put on the significance of his encounter with Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. Fromm has critical1y inherited the ideas of both Marx and Freud and developed his own unique theory of humanistic social psychology. He suggested the importance of the concept of social character in filling up the gap between the Marx’s concepts of subsructure and superstructure of a society. He also argued that social and cultural elements should be added to the psycho-analysis theory of Freud in order to save it from its over-biological bias. Fromm’s warnings on the crisis of modern society, his criticisms of the authoritarian personality, authoritarian religion, authoritarian ethics etc. have meaningful relevance to the situation of Taiwan Society today. This may explain why most of his works have always fascinated a 1ot of people here. It is also one of the aims of this paper to analize the implication of his theory to the context of Chinese society.
起訖頁 33-48
關鍵詞 人道主義佛洛姆社會思想
刊名 社會教育學刊  
期數 199006 (19期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 設立教育研究機構的功能與建議
該期刊-下一篇 工業化國家的成人識字教育




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