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Information Network System With Special Reference to the Development Of the Chinese MARC
作者 林孟真
我國全國資訊網路系統之建立雖千頭萬緒,百廢待舉,然其重要關鍵者乃繫於國立中央圖書館(央圖)之是否有一套絕對能發揮功能的大電腦,足以促使央圖能成為書目資料庫的儲存所(系統中心),以發揮全國圖書館間資訊流通、交換之功能。央圖如欲成為全國性書目資料服務中心,則尚需進一步考慮:對一些尚未能利用電腦,或各地區一些尚非網路系統成員的圖書館之全面服務。庶幾央圖方能真正成為全國圖書資訊網路系統中心。電腦之使用於圖書館自動化,不但使很多圖書館得以連結在整個網路內。更大幅度地改變了讀者與圖書館間之關係,及圖書館間彼此往來之型態。在1980年代,很多圖書館已普遍使用MARC以改善其對讀者的服務方法。因此,如何面對問題,檢討改訂--充實、更新,改正--Chinese MARC建檔系統該是當務之急。質言之,在全國圖書資料流通網路設計研究上,重新探討 Chinese MARC建檔的細節做法,該是首要之舉。國立中央圖書館因囿於現行圖書呈繳制度與網路之難於發揮功能,在蒐集全國圖書資料方面難臻理想。故此,在發展Chinese MARC方面應有賴於全國 重要圖書館之分工合作。質言之,分工合作發展Chinese MARC乃是建立我國資訊網圖書之第一步重要工作。
The Network resources will be housed in large computer in the National Central Library, as repositories of large bibiographic data bases and as communications concentrators for messages among libraries. These resources will also be directly available service centers for libraries which do not have access to computer facilities or are not members of a local consortium. Then, The National Central Library will be the controlling node in this nationwide network in our country. Computer based networking, involving thousands of libraries thus far, has begun to make significant changes in the relationships of the user to the library and the library to the library. In 1980, meny meny countries used MARC to change the way they served patrons. An updated and improved Chinese MARC system is sorely needed and should be considered high priority within the research studies required for the design of a national bibliographic network. Because The N.C.L. Cannot collect all publications by the deposit system, the division and cooperation of the more prominent libraries for the development of Chinese MARC is the most important factor to the nationwide information network system.
起訖頁 131-147
關鍵詞 中國機讀目錄資訊網
刊名 社會教育學刊  
期數 198706 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 論以非正規教育作為發展的策略
該期刊-下一篇 隔空教育理論之探討




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