中文摘要 |
隨著時代潮流的演進,現代家庭的夫妻由於生產子女數少,爸爸陪伴其配偶待產與生產的過程,對男性而言已成為特殊與重要的經歷。本研究之目的有:一、瞭解該院實施爸爸陪產措施的現況,二、瞭解影響爸爸參與陪產意願之相關因素,三、作為提供產時護理措施之參考。在研究期間以自行設計之問卷經專家指導測試完成後,於 88.10.1-11.8 期間, 凡是在該院產房陪伴太太 (產婦不論胎次,為自然分娩且無特殊產科合併症者 ) 待產或進入分娩室之爸爸均為研究對象, 發給問卷,並於產後 24 小時回填,共計收案 221 份。資料以 SPSS 統計,依基本資料、對陪產的認知態度、陪產經驗是否影響爸爸下一次再陪產之態度,作百分比、卡方檢定之描述性及變項間關聯性測定分析。結果發現:該院的陪產率已達 37.6 %,爸爸願意陪產的主要原因是分享太太的喜樂和痛苦,其次是醫護人員的鼓勵、家人支持、醫院政策的推動、接受產前教育等;而爸爸未參與陪產的因素最主要是擔心或害怕分娩的情境,其次依序是沒有心理準備、多位產婦同時生產、醫師認為不適合、太太不同意、照顧幼兒等原因。爸爸對陪產措施的態度多趨正向,並認為值得推廣。研究中同時瞭解受訪爸爸在陪伴生產的過程中可以協助太太的事項,使生產的過程更為美好,亦可作為護理人員提供產時照顧,鼓勵爸爸參與陪產措施與政策推廣的重要參考。The modern family has fewer children than did its ancestors. This makesit especially important for the father to join in the NSD experience. Our studyattempted to help fathers understnad why they should participate in the birthingprocess. At the same time we wanted to find out how this would effect thefather, and finally to educate by sharing the information gained. From October 1to November 18, 1999, the study interviewed fathers who came to visit at TaipeiMunicipal Women and Children Hospital. A non-random sample of fathers (n=221)was used. They participated in NSD even at first births that were without OBScomplications. SPSS software was used for statistical calculations. According tothe information obtained, experience and knowledge effected possible futureparticipation. Statistical data were provided in percentage, chi-square andanalysis of variance. The results show that 37.6% of fathers participated in thebirthing process. The major findings positive factors were:the father's desireto share in the mother's suffering and happiness; the encouragement from nurseand physician; the support of the family and the hospital's policy of supportand education program. The major negative factors were:the father's fear of NSD;the father was not ready yet, there was many mother delivery synchronism, thedoctor or the mammy's attitudes not allowed and so did not need the father'spresence; the need for care for the other children in the family, etc. Ourconclusion is that the father's participation in NSD had a positive effect andhelp the mother at birthing. |