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The study for reading behavior of Modern Poetry website in Fooyin University
作者 陳淑滿
近年來,學界不斷地推動閱讀運動,然而在網路資訊蓬勃發展的今日,閱讀已經跨越傳統書籍的形式,邁向網路閱讀的新世代。本研究對輔英科技大學學生的網路文學的閱讀行為作分析,得以了解學生的閱讀層面。研究分兩部分,一是網路文學閱讀及創作經驗的調查,結果顯示學生在網路瀏覽的過程中,會透過各方面的連結,與文學接觸,但在互動上則較貧乏,仍處於被動式的欣賞角度,至於對於網路文學作家的認識,則陷於高知名度的迷思,有名氣者,不一定是文學創作者,這是學生需要釐清的。研究的第二部分,著重在引導學生進入現代詩網站的閱讀,並分析其喜好之傾向。從閱讀報告可得知,以內容取勝的網站仍能吸引文學愛好者的閱讀,而另一類運用多媒體的數位科技創作現代詩,有其新奇多元的表現手法,對現代詩不感興趣的學生,在觀感上有了新的轉變。閱讀可以改變氣質,而文學閱讀更能充實內涵,帶領學生進入網路的文學世界,本研究擬透過學生參與課程之問卷、心得分析,提出建言,期拋磚引玉,與教育先進共勉。In recent years, scholars continue to promote reading activities., Accompanied by the development of network information, reading has crossed the traditional mode, Internet reading has replaced the reading habits of books. In this study, the researchers want to analyze the reading behavior of Fooyin University students about online literature, In order to understand the students' reading level. The study is divided into two parts.First,it is about the investigation of the online literature on reading and creative experience. The results showed the phenomenon .In the web browsing process, students contact with the literature through all aspects of the link, but is relatively poor in the interactive. Most students are still in the passive attitude of appreciation . Another result from the students listed in online literature writer, you can find them easy to fall into the myth of high-profile. Famous on the Internet, not necessarily literary creators. This is the students need to be clarified. The second part of the research,it is focus to guide students into the reading of modern poetry site, and analyze the tendency of their preferences. From the reading report, the variety of informative sites still attract the lovers of literature reading. Another Web site, the use of multimedia digital technology to create a modern poem, full of new and diverse performance practices. For those students not interesting in modern poetry,they has the new changes in the perception. In fact, modern poetry is interesting, and lovely. The reading can change the temperament, the literary reading can establish the sense of beauty life.Lead the students into the literary world of the Internet,it is the direction of the research effort.
起訖頁 167-191
關鍵詞 閱讀行為網路文學現代詩網站Reading behaviorNetwork literatureModern poetry site
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201306 (10期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
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