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On Crime Victim Protection from Basic Human Rights
作者 張國讚田洪明
在20世紀以前,學者都將研究聚焦於犯罪人,而忽略犯罪被害人,漠視對犯罪被害人之國家義務與權利的平復,此種現象直到二次世界大戰之後,隨著被害者學的發展,導致新的被害人刑事司法的到來。特別是1960年代前後,隨著人權觀念之高漲、犯罪被害人實證調查,以及國際協會之鼓吹,被害者學之研究逐漸受到各國之重視,而研究主題也顯示出多樣化的擴展。本文從基本人權的角度出發,探求犯罪被害人保護的理論基礎,檢視我國犯罪被害人保護法的立法和修法過程,具體提出修法的建議和未來發展的方向,輔以修復式正義觀念的落實,期望完善犯罪被害人保護制度,以達到犯罪加害人、被害人和社區三贏的局面。Before 20th century, scholars focused their attention on the criminals, while ignoring the victims of crime, neglecting national obligation and the recovery of rights of the victim of crime. After the end of World War II, the development of Victimology lead to the new concept of criminal victimjustice; specifically during The 1960s, the rising of concept of human rights, the empirical investigation of Criminal victims, as well as the advocacy of international associations, Victimology gradually became important in most countries, and showed a variety of expansion. From the perspective of basic human rights, this article will explore theoretical concepts of criminal victim protection, examining the process of the legislation and providing basis in amending the Crime Victim Protection Act in our country, specifically proposing recommendations the future developments, combining the implementation of restorative justice concepts, improving criminal victim protection system, and achieving the criminal perpetrators, victims and community win-win-win situation.
起訖頁 193-218
關鍵詞 被害人犯罪被害人犯罪被害人保護法修復式正義刑事司法體系VictimCriminal victimCrime Victim Protection ActRestorative justiceCriminal justice system
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201306 (10期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 輔英學生網路文學閱讀行為之研究--以現代詩網站為範疇
該期刊-下一篇 台灣高中生和日本高中生英語學習動機的比較研究




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