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Elderly Care, Health Care and Health Promotion of the Legislative Policy Research in Taiwan Area
作者 許玉長
老人照護就是由社會工作、法律、衛生保健等專業人員,針對生理、心理失能、受虐待、被忽視,有極度社會、經濟、安全需求之無力且無法取得幫助之老人,提供系統性服務,其涵蓋有醫療介入、法律與財務服務、精神復健及社區照護(含緊急庇護)等四方面。因有鑑於高齡化及疾病型態之改變,爰此對老人安養、照顧及慢性病之需求亦自然增加,乃就其治本之道以觀,實應朝向老人健康促進、衛生教育宣導著手為功,而將現所有台灣地區涉及老人照護、醫療保健與健康促進立法政策有不合時宜之處,朝向立即修正,以達法隨時轉,則國治之理念精進,俾利推動健康城市與強化避免死亡之疾病預防,務求迎合且落實全民皆健康、大家皆健康為終極目標。Elderly care provided by social workers, law workers, health care and other professionals to the abused, neglected, powerless, helpless elders as well as those who can not obtain any means of assistant resources with systematic services and social welfare due to their physical, psychological disability. Such kind of systematic social welfare covers medical intervention, legal and financial services, psychiatric rehabilitation, and community care (including emergency shelter). Among these four aspects of elderly service system, aging and disease-patterns change are the most urgent and neglected areas. Elderly hospice care and chronic demand would naturally is ever-increasing as days go by. With a view of humanity and based on the root of the problem observation, researchers, in fact, should be directed to the intense health care of the elderly through promoting health education and promotion so as raise a nation's ranking among the world. This paper the researcher tried to discuss issues involved with elderly care, health care and health promotion plans and legislation in Taiwan. It is suggested that the outdated policies should be adjusted by means of immediate corrections and changes so that the whole nation as well as the society can achieve the standards of a developed nation. Other than promoting the health improvement of the society and avoiding death disease prevention, the ultimate goal of elderly caring should be implemented thoroughly, legally, and immediately to achieve to be a society called 'All-People-Healthy' society.
起訖頁 121-146
關鍵詞 老人照護醫療保健健康促進Elderly careHealth careDisease prevention
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201306 (10期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 從「牧羊人的孫女」及「牧羊少年奇幻之旅」探索心與自然的對話
該期刊-下一篇 線上學習社群建構之策略探究




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