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An Exploration of Dialogue between Mind and Nature–Case Study of 'Shepherd's Granddaughter' and 'The Alchemist'
作者 徐慧玲
同以「牧羊人」為故事主角,《牧羊人的孫女》及《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》這兩本小說卻有著截然不同的情節。《牧羊人的孫女》描述擁有不同種族、信仰、環境,甚至處於敵對陣營的兩名年輕少年及年輕女孩,經歷種種挫折,終能以其對大自然的尊重、對人群的無私鍾愛,以及處事的智慧,克服種種關卡,化解種族間的糾紛。而《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》則是述說一個豪情萬丈的少年,為了追尋心中的珍寶而勇渡浩瀚沙漠的故事,其中經歷的點點滴滴與種種人事物,都像是對男孩的一句句叮嚀與啟示,召喚著他必須勇於面對自己。本文試圖從上述兩本小說中,梳理出故事主角所展現的人生態度,經由閱讀文本後分析並歸納出兩文本中的精髓,分別以「把握當下事在人為」、「樂土與地球之心」及「萬物合而為一」三個面向來探析兩文本的呈現意象。期盼透過此文,喚起讀者閱讀相關文本時,能夠深入探尋其中的人生哲理,並能發揮觀照自身與省思的功夫,進而提升讀者的生命價值與層次。The plot in both of the novels, 'Shepherd's Granddaughter' and 'The Alchemist' are somewhat different based on the same kind of the main role in the story, 'Shepherd'. In the 'Shepherd's Granddaughter', the story begins with two teenagers and a girl in the state of hostility with extinctive form of race, faith in God and environment, eventually resolve inter-ethnic disputes and overcome a variety of levels with theirs showing respects to nature, selfless love to the mankind and wisdom of the code of conduct, while in 'The Alchemist', the story begins with a lofty teenager, crosses the vast desert with brevity in a quest for the treasury in the mind, wherein everything and every person he goes through on the trip is like a reminder and inspiration for the boy, calling him to face himself bravely. In the Study herein, the attitude toward the life was developed gradually from the main roles through both of the novels and the essence thereof was induced by analyzing the stories and the images expressed in the stories were analyzed by discussing and analyzing three dimensions, 'Seize the moment and human efforts count' 'Paradise and the Heart of the Earth', and 'All things merge into one', with an expectation to wake up our readers to explore the depth philosophy of life while reading related books and exert efforts to meditate themselves in the reflection through this article, further enhancing our readers' value and hierarchy of life.
起訖頁 105-120
關鍵詞 牧羊人的孫女牧羊少年奇幻之旅樂土地球之心Shepherd's GranddaughterThe AlchemistParadiseHeart of the Earth
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201306 (10期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 輔英科技大學博雅講座課程實施模式之探討--由「科學與藝術:漫遊加減乘除的音樂天地」談起
該期刊-下一篇 台灣地區老人照護、醫療保健與健康促進之立法政策研究




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