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A Study of the Curriculum Design and Implementation for the Liberal Arts Course of Lectures at Fooyin University - From the Topic of 「Science and Arts: Multiple Dialogues of Mathematics and Music」
作者 翁瑞霖
輔英科技大學通識教育的特色是將人文關懷的精神融入所有為培養專業人才所需的課程中,其教育理念即在培養具備人文關懷的專業人才。「健康的人生」為輔英科技大學校訂必修之通識教育課程,自88學年開始實施迄今已有13年,並自99學年結合「健康的人生」課程實施「博雅講座」。整個課程的規劃,是以「人的健康」為最主要的關懷,希望培育學生成為具備專業素養、關懷情操、宏觀見識和優雅氣質的健康專業人才。本文乃敘述「博雅講座」之個案「科學與藝術:漫遊加減乘除的音樂天地」規劃設計和具體實施之內容,並檢討和分析其施行成效,期望能分享本課程施行之經驗,做為其它技職院校設計和實施通識教育講座課程的參考。The main feature for Fooyin University's general education is to combine humanistic concept with professional education stressing the spirit of general education within the professional education. The ideals of Fooyin University lie in cultivating the professional elite with humanity caring. The「Healthy Life」is a required course of general education at Fooyin University , and has been offered from the academic year of 1999 and combined with the 「liberal arts course of lectures」from the academic year of 2010 till now. It aims to establish the spirit of 「human health」,and cultivate students to be the healthy-professional elites with professional qualities、caring sentiments、great vision and graceful elegance. In this study, we try to describe and analyze the course programming for 「the liberal arts course of lectures」 - the case of「science and arts: multiple dialogues of mathematics and music」. Besides, we would list out the strategies and methods for carrying out the course as well as the reference model in order to realize the expected effects. Hopefully, we would like to share these experiences with the other colleges and universities of technology for their general education course of lectures.
起訖頁 77-104
關鍵詞 博雅講座課程通識教育人文關懷專業人才健康的人生Liberal arts course of lecturesGeneral educationHumanistic considerationProfessional eliteHealthy life
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201306 (10期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 明鄭復臺抗清過程及其失敗因素之評析
該期刊-下一篇 從「牧羊人的孫女」及「牧羊少年奇幻之旅」探索心與自然的對話




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