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ESP Course Design and Needs Analysis - A Case Study in Cheng Shiu University
作者 胡若菊
Needs analysis is vital and obligatory in every ESP course (Harding, 2007; Hutchinson & Waters, 2002; Nunan, 2001). Methods of assessing learner needs have become increasingly sophisticated and process-based (Johns & Price-Machado, 2001). This study reports on preliminary research of the needs analysis of an ESP course for English majors in a technological university. The paper summarizes the findings of a questionnaire exploring technological institute students' responses and attitude toward a required ESP course-Tourism English. The result of the questionnaire provides useful feedback in which areas of the course to update and/or retain. The syllabus topic areas are considered to cover areas of future needs and the inclusion of cultural aspects is highlighted as a useful and important part of the course.需求分析(needs analysis)在每一個ESP課程中是絕對重要且必要的(vital and obligatory)(Harding,2007;Hutchinson & Waters,2002;Nunan,2001)。針對學習者需求的評量方法已愈益複雜且更為process-based(Johns & Price-Machado,2001)。本研究以一所科技大學的ESP課程作初步的需求分析;針對技職體系應用外語系學生對該系必修ESP課程-「觀光英語」課程的反應及態度做一探討。問卷結果對於哪些課程內容須更新或保留提供了非常有用的回饋(feedback)。同時,研究結果也顯示,課程主題範圍被認為涵蓋了學生未來的需要,而有關於文化方面的著墨也被認為是課程裡有用且重要的一部分。
起訖頁 233-251
關鍵詞 專業英語專業英語的分類職業學習需求分析課程設計ESPClassification of ESPVocational learningNeeds analysisCourse design
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200906 (6期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 台灣東南亞外籍配偶識字教育的生活圖像之研究
該期刊-下一篇 以多媒體英語教學法提升學生英語聽力與閱讀能力




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