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Promoting Students' English Listening and Reading Skills through Multimedia English Teaching Methodology
作者 張世娟
The aim of studying English is to train the students' ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In these four abilities, listening and reading are the most important and difficult to learn. However, traditional English classes in Taiwan generally feature teacher-centered and test-oriented teaching. Consequently, TEFL faces a great deal of difficulty. Thus it is necessary to create an environment of language learning to arouse the students' motivation. Using multimedia to improve their listening and reading ability, it is the aim of this paper. On the basis of the evaluation and analysis of the students' current listening and reading learning and in light of theories on Multimedia listening and reading, the author applied the New Interchange Multimedia Audio-Visual Teaching Material in English teaching at Cheng Shiu University and explored the effects and benefits of Multimedia on students' language learning within 1 experimental semester. The author chose 1 class students that participated in the project of College English teaching and learning reform as experimental group and the other 1 class as control group in the experiment. The analysis of the students' achievements of listening and reading in the 2 exams reveals significant progress in listening and reading achieved by students of the experimental group under the MELRT system and students of the experimental group make significantly greater progress in the achievements of listening and reading than those of the control group. In addition, the author conducted research with questionnaires among students and found that listening and reading learning under Multimedia can cater for most individual needs effectively in their English learning, which further proves the effectiveness of Multimedia in the development of students' listening and reading skills in English learning.英語教育的目的不但是要培養學生的聽、說、讀、寫的能力,更是要培育其終身學習的興趣。然而在臺灣傳統的大學英語課堂往往以講述教學為主,無法提升學生的學習動機。因而利用多元有趣的多媒體英語教學為學生創造英語學習環境,激發學生學習動機,提高學生的聽讀能力,正是本文研究目的。本論文首先分析多媒體教學的歷史背景及研究意義。並對多媒體教學法的研究文獻作概括性述評;接著探討多媒體輔助語言教學和聽讀學習的理論基礎,並以正修科技大學2007年入學的兩班四技新生為實驗組,施以利用多媒體教學,而控制組則以傳統教學方法施教。以證明多媒體輔助英語聽讀教學對提高學生學習效果有顯著效果。最後則是對實驗結果的討論、本論文研究不足部分及以後研究展望做結論。
起訖頁 253-292
關鍵詞 多媒體英語聽讀教學英語教學MultimediaEnglish listening and readingEnglish teaching
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200906 (6期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 ESP課程設計與需求分析--以正修科技大學為例
該期刊-下一篇 德布西音樂中傳統要素之探討




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