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The Number Concept of Atayal Second Graders at Hualien
作者 謝燕惠
本研究三個主要目的:首先分析、了解國小二年級泰雅族學生數概念,其次比較國小二年級泰雅族學生與平地二年級學生「數概念」有何差異,最後分析並探討泰雅族群日常生活中有關數的經驗對國小二年級泰雅族學生「數概念」的影響。本研究以花蓮縣吉安鄉初音國小六位國小二年級泰雅族學童、六位平地學童和三位泰雅族人為研究對象。研究的方法是以半結構式晤談輔以錄影錄音及透過家庭訪視和學校觀察的方式來進行研究並將泰雅族學童、平地學童晤談所得的結果轉錄成文字稿,再依轉錄稿繪製成學童的數概念圖;並藉由族人晤談的資料及文獻上的蒐集,分析出泰雅族文化背景及日常生活中有關數的經驗對國小二年級泰雅族學童數概念的影響。研究結果顯示:國小二年級泰雅族學童和平地二年級學童數概念的差異:一、在分類上;二、在「0」的概念上;三、在基數概念上;四、數的表徵能力上。而且泰雅族人的文化背景及日常生活中的數經驗對泰雅族學童有影響。There are three main purposes in the study. First, the interpretive study was carried out to investigate the number concept of local Atayal aboriginal second graders at Hualien. Secendly, this study analyzed and compared the differences between non-aboriginal and Atayal aboriginal students about number concepts. Finally, this study analyzed and explored whether the culture and daily experience about number concepts would influence the students' learning. The samples included 6 non-aboriginal and 6 Atayal aboriginal second graders, and 3 adults Atayal aboriginals. Data collection included semi-structure interviews accompanied with video recording, family interview, and school observation. Furthermore, these data were transcribed into concept maps. This study revealed that: (1) Difference between non-aboriginal and aboriginal second graders was shown on the four domains, namely categorizing, concept of zero, concept of cardinal number, and representation of quantity. (2) The culture and daily experience about number concepts would influence the students' learning.
起訖頁 117-156
關鍵詞 泰雅族原住民數學教育數概念Atayal aborininalAboriginal mathematical educationNumber concepts
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200906 (6期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 爾雅出版社出版品特色分析
該期刊-下一篇 台灣東南亞外籍配偶識字教育的生活圖像之研究




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