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A Case Study: Analysis of Publications Produced by Er-ya Press
作者 汪淑珍
「出版」是文學傳播的一種方式。更可視為文學史的一個切面。個別出版社的研究,是台灣出版史構築的基石,文人經營出版社曾在1950-1970年代盛極一時,他們不僅推動了台灣的文學書香、造就了許多文壇寫手、更培育了許多閱讀人口。文人將其對文學的熱愛情感轉化為實際動力來照顧作家、培養閱讀人口、改善社會風氣,將其人文精神傾注其中。回顧當年文學出版界所謂的五小,如今惟有洪範和爾雅仍走著最初的路。特別是爾雅出版社在隱地堅持下,不走商業路線,持續推動台灣純文學出版物。爾雅出版社出版了豐繁多元的作家個集,其中不少至今仍為群眾所視為經典的圖書。並屢次更新書籍封面,使書籍能藉由封面的變換常保新鮮感。年度選集的出版除展現編選人選文視角外,作品內容更反映社會現實。對於文學評論和史料整理更是不遺餘力,出版多本工具書,對群眾裨益良多。輔以爾雅書房培養國民閱讀品味、加強人文素養。對提倡國內讀書風氣、推動文化事業貢獻頗大。在台灣的文學出版史,爾雅出版社自有其重要地位,它除出版好書外,也曾代理其他出版社的發行業務,1986年更團結文學出版社發行《五家書目》,利用整合書訊的方式共同行銷,甚而擴大為《八家書目》,展現出版人開闊的心胸。由爾雅出版社的個案研究,不僅能看出文人出版理念,通過其出版書籍更可看出其對文學展演方式的態度,體會無形涵永的文人態度。進而了解文人出版社為建立書香社會所做的努力和付出的代價。當然也藉此個案研究,了解出版品與台灣整體環境的呼應關係。本文將利用文獻探討的方式,分析爾雅出版社出版品特色,並進行專訪,採第一手資料,將此出版社的研究建立在翔實資料基礎上。希望能替未來研究者提供一個異於往昔的出版研究方式。Publications are not only a type of media, but also a part of the historical development of literature. Research on a particular publishing company gives an insight into the history of publishing in Taiwan. From the 1950s to the 1970s, it was common for publishing companies to be run by literati. Literati gave fresh impetus to the growth of literature, nurtured many incredible writers, and increased the population of readers. Those literati transformed their passion for literature into actions which promoted outstanding writers, increased the reading population, and cultivated the development of Taiwanese culture. Besides Hung-fan Press, under the direction of the publisher Yin-di, Er-ya Press, one of the five local publishing houses in Taiwan, is now the only one that continues to promote Taiwanese literature. Er-ya Press has published the masterpieces of various writers, many of which are still considered classics now. In order not to bore its enormous readership, Er-ya Press also publishes different editions of its collections and changes the covers, as well. The yearly selection of writing presents the editors' point of view in choosing articles for readers, and the content of the work reflects the publishing house's opinions about what are the important events which have happened during that year. Er-ya Press also spares no effort in reviewing literary criticism and historical materials and has published many reference books which greatly benefit its readers. By founding the Er-ya website, Er-ya Press aims to elevate and enrich the literary tradition of the people of Taiwan. This press has contributed greatly to enhancing the climate of reading and promoting cultural enterprise. In the history of publishing in Taiwan, Er-ya Press plays an important role. It publishes high-quality literary works and also once worked as a distributor for books published by other companies. In 1986, Er-ya Press, working with Literary Press, published a magazine containing the catalogues of books published by five publishing houses. Later, Er-ya Press expanded this magazine to include catalogues of books published by eight publishing houses. The case study of Er-ya Press reveals the literati's philosophy toward publishing. Examining its publications provides an insight into publication philosophy. This case study not only exposes the efforts and endeavors of the publishing houses run by literati, but also reveals the relationship between the publications and the literary climate in Taiwan. This study is a literature review which discussed and analyzed the characteristics of th
起訖頁 79-115
關鍵詞 隱地爾雅出版社YindiEr-ya press
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200906 (6期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 論改組派與川軍
該期刊-下一篇 花蓮縣Artayal二年級學童的數概念




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