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萬能全才:萊布尼茲(Leibniz 1646~1716)
The Universal Genius~Leibniz (1646~1716)
作者 劉豐榮
與牛頓分享「微積分」創造者之美譽的萊布尼茲(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,1646~1716)是西方最偉大的創作天才。數學僅是他諸多傑出領域之一而已,此外舉凡法律、哲學、宗教、邏輯、形上學、歷史、物理等各方面都有卓越的成就。本文是作者【向大師致敬】的系列作品之一,希望透過簡明的筆觸為讀者勾勒出這位全能大師的成就與風範,藉以提昇學子們的人文科學素養。文分四段;第一段介紹萊布尼茲的生平。第二段探討萊布尼茲的數學。第三段介紹他的符號邏輯。第四段則簡介萊布尼茲的哲學。Along with Newton (1643~1727) was co-listed as one of the inventors of Calculus, Leibniz was one of the great creation genius in the West. Mathematics is just one of his excellent creations. His research areas almost involve in all branches of knowledge, including law, philosophy, religious, logic, metaphysics, history and physics. This paper is one of the author's series of significant works written by the famous mathematicians. The aims are at exploring the life and academic accomplishment of Leibniz, hoping to promote the students scientific cultivation. The paper has 4 sections. The first section introduces the life and events of Leibniz. The second section presents the mathematical creations of Leibniz. The third section introduces his symbolical logic. The final section discusses the philosophy of Leibniz.
起訖頁 265-297
關鍵詞 微積分基本定理單子充分理由律The fundamental theorem of calculusMonadThe principle of sufficient reason
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200806 (5期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 高雄港埠改革對碼頭工人、工會的衝擊與反思
該期刊-下一篇 研編通識教材與教學評量工具之研究:以「地球環境與永續發展」科目為例




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