中文摘要 |
港埠自由化為各國重要港埠在90年代的主要趨勢,我國港埠受此一趨勢的衝擊,在90年前後亦開始了港埠改革的各項計畫。就各國港埠自由化的過程了解,其改革手段主要針對港埠營運管理的私有化與相關勞動條件的去管制化。高雄港亦伴隨此一潮流,次第進行了僱用制度合理化與裝卸業務私有化。就高雄港埠改革的過程分析,港務局解決了多年與碼頭工人僱傭關係的爭議,並且透過裝卸業務的私有化得以完全脫離對碼頭工人的管理困境。高雄港的改革結果在形式上似乎有效的提升了港埠的國際競爭力,然而透過深入訪談與分析發現,高雄港之港埠改革並未實質的解決了港埠競爭力的問題,僱用制度合理化措施,不僅傷害了勞工的工作權利與工作條件,同時亦摧毀了成立五十年的碼頭工會。此種結果完全體現了全球航運體系,透過國家機器的規範設計壓制了勞動體系,並同時獲得掠奪性資本累積的機會。The study is focused on the 1997 port reform planning in Kaohsiung Harbor that implemented the rationalization of recruiting system and privatization of terminal operation. Its influence on local labors and labor union was analyzed. Port reform is a global phenomenon in the 90s. The main content includes the deregulation and privatization. By conducting the in-depth interview and literature analysis the researcher noticed that port reform did not achieve the anticipated efficiency and competitiveness. It not only harms the working condition of labors, but also destroys the Dockers' union that has been existed for fifty years. The result embodies the capital system of global shipping industry; the national normative design has suppressed the labor system, worsened the competition of local industry and provided the international capitalists the possibility of pillage. |