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Kuomintang Reorganization Society and Beiping Enlarged Meeting (1930)
作者 張順良
1930年,蔣中正在黨內頭號勁敵-「改組派」,成功策動閻錫山等地方軍事領袖發動「中原大戰」,實行軍事反蔣;另一方面又聯合「西山會議派」等反蔣各派系,召開「北平擴大會議」,據此成立北平國民政府,與蔣中正爭奪「黨權」、「政權」,從而爆發國民黨創黨以來最大規模的文武鬥。蔣氏雖次第瓦解反蔣勢力,逼使汪精衛宣告解散「擴大會議」,惟對於「改組派」制定約法,召開國民會議,準備還政於民的政治訴求,蔣氏還是給予善意的接納,誠可謂「軍事北伐,政治南伐」。顯示「改組派」所主導的「擴大會議」,仍代表相當程度的價值與意義,對後來的政局投下重大的變數,拆散了蔣中正與胡漢民的政治聯盟,進而埋下汪、蔣合組南京政府的伏筆。In 1930 'Kuomintang Reorganization Society, i-' the top opponent of Chiang Kai-shek in the Party, successfully instigated Yan S shan and other local military leaders to launch Central Plains War in order to implement military opposition to Chiang Kai-shek. On the other hand, they allied with 'Western Hills Faction' and other anti-Chiang factions to convene 'Beiping Enlarged Meeting.' In the meeting, Beiping National Government was established, scrambling for 'party power' and 'political power' with Chiang Kai-shek. Hence, the largest civil and military fight ever since the establishment of Kuomintang broke out. Although Chiang Kai-shek successively disintegrated the anti-Chiang powers and forced Wang Jing-wei to announce the dismissal of the 'Enlarged Meeting,' he benevolently accepted the provisional constitution formulated by 'Kuomintang Reorganization Society,' and the political appeal of handing state power back to the people proposed in the national meeting held by the society,. It could be really called 'military northern expedition, and political southern expedition.' It revealed that the 'Enlarged Meeting' convened by 'Kuomintang Reorganization Society' still represented a certain extent of value and meaning. It was contributive to the main changes of the political situation in the later days. It also broke the political coalition between Chiang Kai-shek and Hu Han-min, and furthermore, foreshadowed the co-organization of Nanjing Government by Wang Jing-wei and Chiang Kai-shek.
起訖頁 157-182
關鍵詞 改組派北平擴大會議北平國民政府約法The Kuomintang Reorganization SocietyBeiping Enlarged MeetingBeiping National GovernmentProvisional Constitution
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200806 (5期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 探討「簡.愛」書中歌德式文體之運用
該期刊-下一篇 外語學習者的焦慮




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