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On Gothic Characteristics in Jane Eyre
作者 周美智張世娟
Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre is now a classic, widely read and studied book and is beloved by generations of readers. Jane Eyre has been perceived from different angels by critics through centuries. This thesis is to explore the gothic features in this masterpiece. The first part of the thesis is a brief introduction to the life and works of Charlotte Bronte as well as an introduction to the gothic traditions. The main body of the whole thesis focuses on the characteristics of the novel Jane Eyre: the typical gothic characters, the weird settings of gothic atmosphere and the theme involved with spirit, religion and super-natural power. Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre functioned as the hero and heroine of a gothic romance. Rochester the aristocratic owner of a castle which is at the same time his prison lived a lonely and gloomy life until Jane intrude in with her intelligence, individuality and love. Some minor characters are depicted as villains hindered on the hero and heroine's way to happiness. Bertha Manson, John Reed, Mr. Brocklehurst are some instance of evil characters in a gothic romance. Weird settings are the general scenes in gothic stories, Jane Eyre is no exception. In addition, spirit, religion and super-natural theme are discussed in this part. The last part is a conclusion of the thesis.《簡.愛》是一部被廣為閱讀和研究的經典之作,受到一代又一代讀者的喜愛。幾百年來,評論家從不同角度對《簡.愛》進行研究解讀。本篇論文研究了《簡.愛》中的哥德特徵。分析了小說中的哥德特徵:富於哥德特點的人物,怪異神秘的哥德場景以及精神、宗教和超自然的力量在小說中的體現。小說中的男主角羅徹斯特是典型的哥德傳奇式主角。出生高貴的城堡主人,過著孤獨沉悶的生活,直到簡愛闖入了他的生活,以她的正直和愛情將他解救出來。小說中的一些次要角色被刻畫成哥德傳奇中的“壞人”,是男女主角獲取幸福道路上的障礙。
起訖頁 131-156
關鍵詞 簡愛羅徹斯特哥德式人物Jane EyreRochesterGothic character
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200806 (5期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 兩岸在「全球化」潮流下互動關係之解析
該期刊-下一篇 國民黨改組派與北平擴大會議(1930)




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