中文摘要 |
由於兩岸主權、政治意識之結構性爭議,其互動遂形成了「政治冷、經濟熱」之政經背離現象。惟在全球化之潮流下,且兩岸已均為WTO之成員,兩岸自應從全球化之角度思維,展開積極、正面、務實、良性的互動,而不再是對立之關係。Due to the argument on sovereignty and political awareness between Mainland China and Taiwan, the interaction of both sides has turned into the phenomenon that politics deviated from economy in terms of enthusiastic about economy and cheerless in politics. However, under the trend of globalization both Mainland China and Taiwan have become members of WTO. As such, both sides should develop active, positive, pragmatic and benignant interactive relations instead of confrontation. |