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正修通識教育學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Foreign Language Anxiety among EFL Learners
作者 曾淑鳳
The paper attempts to highlight some significant issues about foreign language anxiety. A learner's emotional feelings or attitudes might affect learning efficacy, motivation, and self-confidence. Thus, anxiety has many effects across a variety of situations, including EFL learners. The study is to provide a review of related literature on anxiety, anxiety and second language acquisition, studies on foreign language anxiety, anxiety and environment, socio-psychological issues of language anxiety, debilitative versus facilitative anxiety, and relationship between anxiety and EFL learning. Language teachers have a responsibility to create a classroom in a low-anxiety and helpful atmosphere. Not all anxiety is simply harmful or helpful. Anxiety is only helpful in the appropriate proportion. Therefore, language teachers have to pay more attention to this issue.此文欲重視一些有關外語學習的焦慮議題。一個學習者的情緒或態度可能影響學習效能、動機、和自信。因此透過不同情境焦慮會產生許多影響,外語學習亦復如此。本文提出了一些相關文獻探討如下:焦慮、焦慮與第二語言的獲得、外語焦慮探討、語言焦慮的社會心理議題、弱化與強化學習的焦慮問題、焦慮與外語學習的相關性。語言教師有責任創造一個低焦慮且有益處的學習環境。並非所有的焦慮都有害處或有益處,只有適當的比例方得益處。因而語言教師更該關注這個議題。
起訖頁 183-198
關鍵詞 以英語為其他外國語自我效能使弱化使強化Teaching English as foreign languageEFLSelf-efficacyDebilitativeFacilitative
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200806 (5期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 國民黨改組派與北平擴大會議(1930)
該期刊-下一篇 通識教育創意教學之探究




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