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A qualitative approach for stress sources of starter players and coping strategies in male division one of high school basketball league (HBL)
作者 黃義翔
目的:探討HBL甲級高中男子先發選手在面臨重要比賽時的壓力來源,以及面臨壓力時採取的因應策略。方法:本研究以101學年度高中甲級籃球聯賽進入八強之男子組先發球員為對象,計有16位選手。以半結構式深度訪談方式,於101學年度比賽期間完成資料的蒐集。資料分析以分解、檢視、比較及概念化,再加以區分類目與主題命名方式進行。結果:在比賽和訓練過程中,球員的壓力來自於對於心、生理能力不足、團隊表現、勝負的壓力、以及無法滿足教練要求為主。而因應方式則可區分為和競賽與訓練有關、學業相關和生涯規劃等層面。在比賽訓練部份,有尋求社會支持、正面想法、尋求解決方法、增加努力等方式來突破自己;課業有關的因應,球員多採取消極方式進行;而在生涯規劃方面,球員多數希望能進入職業殿堂或從事教職。結論:本研究建議教練要適時介入,透過運動心理學專家學者的協助,加強選手心理技能的訓練,以提升壓力因應策略。其次,學校應加強對學生課業的輔導,以及呼籲政府相關部門儘快規劃完善的制度,以利選手未來的生涯規劃。The objective of the study was to investigate stress sources of starter players and coping strategies by a qualitative approach in male division one of high school basketball league (HBL). Methods: The target participants were selected from top eight teams of HBL, 2012. A total of 16 players were recruited and semi-structured interviews were conducted. Data analyses were carried out using qualitative research criteria which were coding, sampling and categorizing into different themes and sub-themes. Result: Content analyses results were indicated that stress came from lack of mental and physical ability, team performance, desire to win the games, and coach's demand, both in training and competition. Coping strategies consist of three aspects namely, competition and training, class performance, and career planning. In competition and training, seeking social supports, positive thinking, looking for solutions, working harder can be more effective. However, ball players are usually playing low profiles in the classrooms. For their career planning, most of them are looking for jobs in professional basketball or teaching. Conclusion: It was recommended that coach should play more actively. Sport psychologist can provide effective assistance in terms of ball players' psychological enhancement. Some more efforts that staff in the high school should be adopted to improve ball players' performance in the class rooms. Government is subject to put more powerful policy such that basketball players can pursue a bright future in their career.
起訖頁 407-423
關鍵詞 問題焦點情緒焦點次級評估problem-focusedemotion-focusedsecondary appraisal
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 猛男情結、體型知覺、肌肉上癮與運動依賴之關聯
該期刊-下一篇 以自我決定理論為架構檢驗體育課學生的責任行為




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