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A self-determination approach to the understanding of student responsibility behavior in physical education
作者 徐偉庭 (Wei-Ting Hsu)周宏室 (Hung-Shih Chou)潘義祥 (Yi-Hsiang Pan)
目的:乃是以自我決定理論之架構,檢驗體育課學生的責任行為。方法:採兩階段之研究對象分別為243位與964位國、高中學生,本研究以問卷分別測量教師支持、心理需求滿足、自主性動機與責任行為,所得資料以結構方程模式進行分析。結果:研究發現顯示,學生知覺體育教師提供之自主感支持、勝任感支持與關係感支持,會分別透過自主感、關係感與勝任感滿足,呈現較高的自主性動機,進而在體育課展現努力、自我導向、遵守課堂常規、尊重、幫助、合作等責任行為。結論:自我決定理論所描述之機制可解釋體育課學生各層面的責任行為,自主感支持、勝任感支持與關係感支持皆為具有預測力之社會環境因子。由於TPSR的實施架構並未與勝任感支持有明顯連結,建議體育教師在個人與社會責任模式的實施過程中,可適時融入勝任支持的策略。This purpose of this study was to examine the student responsibility through a self-determination approach. Methods: The participants of the two stage studies were res 243 and 964 middle and high school students respectively. Questionnaires were used to measure teacher support, basic need satisfaction, autonomous motivation and student responsibility. The collected data was analyzed by Structural Equation Model (SEM). Results: The results showed that student who perceived more supportive environment would experienced greater levels of autonomy, competence, and relatedness and had higher scores on an index of autonomous motivation. Student-reported levels of autonomous motivation positively predicted effort, self-direction, following class rules, respect, helping others, and cooperation in physical education. Conclusion: all levels of student responsibility behavior could be explained by self-determination theory. Moreover, autonomy, competence, and relatedness support were the predictive factors of social environment factors. Owing to the absence of competence support in the framework of TPSR, we suggest that the strategies of competence support could be integrated into TPSR.
起訖頁 425-436
關鍵詞 個人與社會責任課程模式情意發展teaching personal and social responsibilitycurriculum modelaffection
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 HBL男子甲級高中先發選手壓力來源與因應策略的質性研究
該期刊-下一篇 平板電腦融入體育課程羽球技能教學效果之研究




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