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Brain dynamics during the shooting preparatory period: A comparison of shooting and motor demands
作者 洪巧菱陳衣帆黃崇儒 (Chung-Ju Huang)張育愷 (Yu-Kai Chang)洪聰敏
目的:運用腦波比較射擊及動作控制情境射擊準備期腦波之差異。方法:本研究招募8位空氣手槍射擊社團成員,記錄射擊與動作控制情境之腦波活動,腦波紀錄採額葉、中央、頂葉、顳葉及枕葉區,腦波資料分析取扣板機前8秒腦波資料,並擷取α1(8-10Hz)、α2(11-13Hz)及β1(14-20Hz)之平均功率。結果:射擊情境之α1與α2(接近顯著)頻段之功率皆高於動作控制情境,尤其射擊情境比起動作控制情境在右半腦的額葉(F4)、中央(C4)、頂葉(P4)及枕葉區(O2)有較高之β1功率。結論:本研究除了支持射擊準備期誘發視覺空間功能之外並擴大以往的研究發現,證實射擊準備是一項牽涉到注意力、動作控制、姿勢穩定等過程,以達到好表現的作業。Purpose: Using Electroencephalography (EEG) to compare shooting and motor control condition in pre-shot periods. Methods: Eight air-pistol club shooters were recruited and EEG activity was examined during the shooting and motor control condition in pre-shot periods. The EEG montage consisted of frontal, central, parietal, temporal and occipital regions. The spectral power of α1 (8-10 Hz), α2 (11-13 Hz) and β1 (14-20 Hz) frequency bands were obtained for the 8-s period prior to trigger pull. Results: Higher α1and α2 (marginal significance) were generally observed during shooting compared to during the motor control condition. Additionally, shooters exhibited higher β1 power in the right hemisphere, including frontal, central, parietal and occipital regions, during shooting compared to during the motor control condition. Conclusions: This study not only suggests the involvement of visual-spatial function during the preparation period in shooting, but also extends previous findings by demonstrating that shooting tasks involve process of attention, motor control and posture stabilization to achieve better performance.
起訖頁 195-204
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 影響優秀劍道選手攻擊時間之關鍵因素
該期刊-下一篇 運動團隊默契的概念化




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