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Key factors affecting attack time in elite kendo players
作者 許君恆陳安寶蔡鏞申 (Yung-Shen Tsai)
目的:透過運動生物力學的方式,分析劍道選手打擊動作的肢體表現,找出影響打擊時間的重要因素。方法:使用三度空間電磁場動作分析系統及MotionMonitor軟體分析8位3-7段的男性劍道選手(年齡:25.5±8.2歲,劍齡:15.0±7.6年)採取中段架式看到模擬攻擊對象面罩內的指示燈亮起後之打擊動作資料,以同步整合的方式搭配測力板測量攻擊時下肢動作起始時間,和使用自製電子訊號開關記錄打擊動作之總攻擊時間。以皮爾森相關係數探討上肢和打擊動作的反應時間及動作時間、上肢關節最大角速度及所需要的時間等參數與總攻擊時間的相關性。結果:打擊反應時間(r=.80,p=.02)、肘關節動作起始時間(r=.85,p=.01)及肩關節動作起始時間(r=.83,p=.01)和打擊動作的總攻擊時間有高度相關性;腕關節(r=.95,p<.001)和肘關節(r=.79,p=.02)達到最大角速度所需的時間與打擊動作的總攻擊時間有高度相關性。結論:應加強選手的反應能力,縮短上肢關節達到最大角速度所需的時間,並作為評估打擊能力的依據。Purpose: To find factors that may reduce attack time in elite kendo players. Eight kendo players participated in this study (age: 25.5 ± 8.2 years, skill levels: 3-7 dan). Methods: All players were instructed to attack a kendo mask placed 2.5m away at the height of 160 cm when a light bulb placed in the mask was flashed. All players started attacking with their hind foot placed on a force plate, so the instant of push-off force burst can be recorded. Attack movement of left upper extremity (LUE) was assessed using a 3D electromagnetic motion analysis system. An electrical switch was designed to detect the instant when the wooden sword hit the kendo mask. The relationships among reaction time (RT) and movement time (MT) of LUE and lower extremity (LE), each max angular velocity (AV) of LUE joint and their timing, and total attack time (TAT) were examined using Pearson correlation coefficients. Results: There were significant relationships between the RT of shoulder (r = .83, p = .01), elbow (r = .85, p = .01), and LE movement (r = .80, p = .02) and TAT. The time needed to reach max AV of wrist (r = .95, p < .001) and elbow (r = .79, p = .02) joints also has high relationship with TAT. Conclusion: One of the keys to train these players for winning kendo competitions may be to focus on reducing the RT when finding an attack opportunity.
起訖頁 187-193
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 鞋底撓曲和切割對於掌趾關節和下肢肌電的影響
該期刊-下一篇 射擊準備期的大腦活動:射擊與動作需求之比較




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