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The effect of forefoot flexibility on metatarsophalangeal joint and lower extremity muscle activation
作者 張佑全謝振芳陳家祥相子元 (Tzyy-Yuan Shiang)
目的:探討不同撓曲程度設計的鞋子在不同步態速度下,對下肢關節和肌肉肌電活化程度的影響。方法:11位健康男性穿著三種不同撓曲程度鞋子,分別為一般鞋材:乙烯、醋酸乙烯酯共聚合物(ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer resin,EVA)、可撓曲鞋:生物可分解材料(biodegradable materials)和可撓曲加切割鞋,進行三種不同步態速度的測試,以Biopac多功能訊號處理系統與表面肌電貼片收取最大自主收縮肌電訊號和步態過程中脛前肌和腓腸肌的肌電訊號,並且利用三維動作分析系統截取掌趾關節關節角度變化。統計分析使用二因子重複量數變異數分析進行統計分析,顯著水準訂為α=.05。結果:不論步態速度快慢,掌趾關節活動度由大到小皆為可撓曲+切割、可撓曲、一般鞋材,不同鞋材間皆達顯著差異;在快跑和慢跑的步態速度下,腓腸肌肌電活化程度由大到小依序為可撓曲鞋材、可撓曲加切割、一般鞋材,在快跑下可撓曲鞋材和可撓曲+切割鞋材達顯著差異,在慢跑下一般鞋材與可撓曲鞋材和可撓曲+切割鞋材皆達顯著差異。結論:不同撓曲鞋材對於下肢關節和肌肉肌電活化程度確實有影響,針對鞋款在撓曲程度上可以依據鞋子功能和穿著目的而有所調整。Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of metatarsophalangeal joint range of motion and muscle activation on lower extremity while wearing different flexible shoes at different movement speed. Methods: Eleven healthy males were recruited in this study. They had to wear 3 different shoes, which were general shoes: ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer resin (EVA), flexible shoes: biodegradable materials, and flexible plus cutting shoes, and walked at 3 different speeds. Maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and muscle activation during the experiment were collected using Biopac signal recorder and bipolar surface electrodes. Range of motion (ROM) of 1st metatarsophalangeal joint was collected using Vicon motion analysis system. The data were analyzed by 2-way repeated-measures ANOVA. The significant level was α = .05. Result: No matter how fast the movement speed was, the greatest ROM of 1st metatarsophalangeal joint happened while wearing flexible + cutting shoes, and the smallest ROM happened while wearing general shoes. They were all significantly different among these 3 shoes. During running and jogging, the greatest muscle activation of gastrocnemius happened while wearing flexible shoes and the smallest muscle activation happened while wearing general shoes. There was significant difference between flexible + cutting and flexible shoes during running, general shoes was significantly different from flexible + cutting and flexible shoes during walking. Conclusion: The joint ROM of lower extremity and muscle activation were actually different while wearing different flexible shoes. The level of flexible ability should match the different function and design of flexible shoes.
起訖頁 179-185
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 體育運動質性資料分析方法
該期刊-下一篇 影響優秀劍道選手攻擊時間之關鍵因素




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