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The conceptualization of Mo-chi in athletic team
作者 沈緯鈞 (Wei-Jiun Shen)李濟仲廖主民 (Chu-Min Lia)
目的:本研究從運動教練與運動員的觀點概念化運動團隊默契。方法:本研究包含兩個次研究,以半結構式訪談為資料蒐集的方法分別深入晤談9位高中甲組以上的教練(5男4女;平均年齡43歲,標準差為9.51歲),以及9位大學甲組以上的運動員(6女3男;平均年齡21.86歲,標準差為1.25歲),並以內容分析歸納資料。結果:從教練與運動員的觀點為基礎,我們發現默契是指團隊成員之間以三種的共享認知成分為基礎:正確的任務知識、自己與隊友間的能力評價、以及自己與隊友間正確的情緒覺察,產生內隱式協調的動態歷程。結論:經一系列的研究後,我們初步確認了運動團隊中,團隊默契概念的本質與運作機制。Purposes: Present study aimed to conceptualize mo-chi in team sport through the coaches' and athletes' perspectives followed by the process of qualitative research. Methods: Present study contained 2 sub-studies, 9 elite coaches (5 males, 4 females; Mage = 43,SD = 9.51) from Taiwanese division l or international teams (rhythmic gymnast, basketball, baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, and badminton), and 9 elite intercollegiate athletes (3 males, 6 females; Mage = 21.86,SD = 1.25) from Taiwanese division l or national teams (basketball, volleyball, softball, or tennis) were interviewed, respectively. Content analysis was conducted to deduct the qualitative data. Results: Findings from both coaches and athletes indicated that, mo-chi is a dynamic process in which group members coordinate implicitly based on three shared cognitive components: accurate task knowledge, evaluation of each other's ability, and emotional awareness of each other among team members. Conclusions: After a systematical series of studies, we preliminarily confirm the nature and the mechanism of mo-chi in sport team.
起訖頁 205-220
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 射擊準備期的大腦活動:射擊與動作需求之比較
該期刊-下一篇 運動希望量表之修訂及因素結構檢驗




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