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Effects of 8 weeks of orbotron training on rotation endurance and physical fitness for air force pilot cadets
作者 蔡玉敏 (Yu-Min Tsai)鄭景峰 (Ching-Feng Cheng)
目的:探討8週旋轉儀訓練對飛行生耐旋轉時間與體適能的影響。方法:將28位健康男性飛行生依據眩暈程度均分為旋轉、對照兩組,分別進行8週旋轉儀訓練(每週平均2.5±0.4次、每分鐘轉速至少23圈、強度為最大忍受眩暈程度)或例行性體能訓練(每週3次90下仰臥起坐與最大努力俯地挺身)。訓練前後各進行1次健康體適能(體脂肪、柔軟度、握力、仰臥起坐、3分鐘登階)與飛行員體適能(仰臥推舉、蹲舉、背屈、滑輪下拉、捲腿、捲臂、3,000公尺跑步)測驗。以混合設計二因子變異數分析考驗旋轉儀訓練對各體適能指標的影響,以獨立樣本t考驗檢驗訓練前後之變化量。結果:訓練後,旋轉組第8週平均旋轉時間明顯比第1週長(700.6±194.3秒VS.285.1±177.8秒,p<.05)。在飛行員體適能方面,旋轉組只有仰臥推舉次數明顯優於訓練前(22.7±6.4VS.19.3±8.0次,p<.05)。結論:8週旋轉儀訓練可改善飛行生的自我感覺眩暈症狀與上半身肌耐力,但對於其餘體適能指標的影響並未顯著優於例行性體能訓練成效。Purpose: To investigate the effect of 8-week of Orbotron training on rotation endurance and physical fitness in air force pilot cadets. Methods: Twenty-eight healthy male cadets were divided into Orbotron training group (OT, n = 14; 2.5 ± 0.4 times/week, intensity at maximal vertigo tolerance, and the revolutions per minute is at least 23 rpm) and control group (CON, n = 14; 3 times/week, 90 repetitions of sit-ups, and 3 sets of push-up with maximal efforts) according to their vertigo tolerance. Heath related fitness tests (i.e., body fat, sit-and-reach, grip strength, sit-up, and 3-min step) and pilot related fitness tests (i.e., bench press, half squat, back extension, lateral pull-down, leg curl, arm curl, and 3,000 meters run) were used to clarify the effects of Orbotron training before and after 8-week of intervention. The mixed design two-way ANOVA was use to assess effects of Orbotron training on fitness indices, and the unpaired samples t-test was use to compare the changes in fitness between groups. Results: The average rotation time in OT was significantly increased after training (from 700.6 ± 194.3 to 285.1 ± 177.8 seconds, p < .05). The numbers of bench press were significantly increased in OT (from 19.3 ± 8.0 to 22.7 ± 6.4 times, p < .05). Conclusions: Orbotron training for 8 weeks could improve the vertigo symptom and muscular endurance of upper body in air force cadets. However, the effects of Orbotron training on the other fitness indices might not significantly different from those of regular physical fitness training.
起訖頁 11-22
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣運動與體育領域學術期刊論文發表之現況分析
該期刊-下一篇 十二週太極拳無極式輔以低頻振動刺激訓練對感覺神經肌肉功能之影響




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