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Effects of 12-weeks training of the Tai Chi Chuan combined with low-frequency vibration on sensory-neuron-muscular function
作者 陳韋翰 (Wei-Han Chen)楊貴羽 (Kuei-Yu Yang)孫銘莊榮仁 (Long-Ren Chuang)相子元 (Tzyy-Yuan Shiang)劉強
目的:探討12週太極拳無極式輔以低頻振動刺激之訓練方式,對觸覺敏度、本體感覺、肌力控制與爆發力之影響。方法:18位健康年輕人隨機分為太極低頻振動組以及控制組,太極低頻振動組進行為期12週、每週3次的太極拳無極式結合振動刺激(頻率5Hz、振幅1mm)訓練;控制組則不進行訓練。訓練前後以觸覺測量器測試慣用腳第五蹠骨之觸覺敏度,以Biodex等速肌力儀,測試受試者慣用腳膝伸肌之本體感覺與肌力控制,利用測力板測試連續兩次垂直跳之高度,以作為爆發力之依據。結果:太極低頻振動組在觸覺敏度、本體感覺、肌力控制以及兩次垂直跳高度皆顯著進步,且觸覺敏度、肌力控制以及連續兩次垂直跳高度的進步率皆顯著優於控制組;控制組除垂直跳之第一跳高度顯著退步外,其它各項目均無顯著變化。結論:經12週太極拳無極式輔以低頻振動刺激的訓練,可有效增進觸覺敏度、本體感覺、肌力控制以及爆發力等表現。Purpose: To investigate the effects of 12 weeks Tai Chi Chuan combined with low-frequency vibration training on tactile acuity, proprioception, strength adjustment and muscle power. Methods: Eighteen young healthy participants were assigned into Tai Chi-Vibration (7 males, 2 females) and control groups (7 males, 2 females). Tai Chi-Vibration group performed complex training of Tai Chi Chuan combined with vibration stimulation (frequency: 5Hz, amplitude: 1mm) twice a week for a period of 12 weeks; control group was not Tai Chi Chuan or vibration training. Tactile acuity of fifth metatarsal of dominant leg was measured by using a Lafayette instrument two-point aesthesiometer. Proprioception and strength adjustment of dominant leg knee extensor were assessed by Biodex isokinetic dynamometer. The height of two consecutive vertical jumps was measured by using an AMTI force plate. Results: Tactile acuity, proprioception, strength adjustment and height of two consecutive vertical jumps were significantly improvement in Tai Chi-Vibration group (p < .05). In addition, progress rate of Tai Chi-Vibration group was significantly greater than that of control group in the tactile acuity, strength adjustment and height of two consecutive vertical jumps (p < .05). Control group was no significant difference in all variables; except height of first jumps was significantly decreased (p < .05). Conclusions: Tai Chi Chuan combine with vibration stimulation training was a feasible training model, and effectively improve in tactile acuity, proprioception, strength adjustment and muscle power after 12-week training period.
起訖頁 23-33
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 八週旋轉儀訓練對於飛行生耐旋轉時間與體適能之影響
該期刊-下一篇 單側性與雙側性過肩運動之肩關節活動度特徵:游泳與網球之比較




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