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Analysis of trends in academic publications treating exercise, sport, and physical education in Taiwan
作者 張育愷 (Yu-Kai Chang)洪聰敏
目的:隨著國內外期刊數量與種類多樣化的發展,期刊品質與發表狀況成為當代研究者需重視的議題。本文旨在探討102年度國科會申請者在過去五年(自2008至2012年)期刊學術發表的現況與趨勢。方法:以282位申請102年度體育領域國科會專題研究計畫者為對象,並以所有申請者與獲得補助者兩族群作:每年期刊論文發表、過去五年期刊論文發表趨勢,以及每年於次領域之發表等五個部份進行分析。結果:運動與體育領域所有申請者在過去五年之研究論文數量有逐年增加的現象,尤其是獲得補助者的增加幅度更大,其增加幅度各為43%與70%,而在SCI/SSCI/EI期刊類別更有一倍以上的增加趨勢,其增加幅度各為104%與121%。此外,相對於社會科學次領域,自然科學次領域有較多國際期刊論文之出版。結論:近期運動與體育領域學者在期刊論文的研究成果表現,已朝向國際化,且以數量與品質並重的方向邁進。Purpose: As the number and type of international and national journals increases, it is important for researchers to pay attention to the quality of these various journals. The main purpose of this manuscript was to investigate the circumstances and trends of academic publications between 2008 and 2012, concerning researchers who have applied for National Science Council Research Project grants in 2013. Methods: Data from 282 applicants and funding receivers were retrieved for analysis, based upon five sections, including annual publications, publications in the past five years, and the ranking of the respective journals in which their publications appear within specific sub-domains. Results: Our findings indicated that the number of publications from applicants of exercise, sport, and physical education over the past five years has increased, particularly for funding receivers, showing increased rates of 43%, and 70%, respectively. Regarding SCI/SSCI/EI publications, the increased rate indicated more than a one-fold improvement, with rates of 104%, and 121%, respectively. Additionally, in contrast to the sub-domain of the social sciences, greater numbers of international articles were published in the sub-domain of natural science. Conclusions: Publications of researchers in exercise, sport, and physical education are not only becoming internationalized, but have also simultaneously improved in quantity and quality.
起訖頁 1-9
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
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