中文摘要 |
本研究主要目的在於探討優秀國中羽球教練的訓練行為、訓練行為知覺,及瞭解教練與選手們對訓練的觀點。研究採取以質量相輔的方法進行,選擇甚具代表性的一名優秀國中羽球教練與其訓練的二十八位選手為參與研究對象,進行全年度訓練的觀察研究。所得結論為:一、個案教練的訓練行為次數出現最多的依序為指示、當場指導、管理行為等項,出現最少者依序為發問、肢體協助等,非指導行為遠多於指導行為,分析個案教練的訓練行為應與訓練模式化等因素有關。二、除責備一項行為,甲教練與選手雙方對訓練行為的知覺情形相當一致,是有效訓練的一種現象。三、選手與教練對教練訓練行為的觀點多數一致,但部份觀點會因立場、角色的不同而呈現一種辯證的一致性。This research was to describe the coaching behavior of an elite junior high school badminton coach, and to examine the consistency of coach-players perceived coaching behavior. The approach of this research was quantitative and qualitative. One elite junior high school badminton coach and his 28 school players were the participants of this research. During 25 observations of team training in a yearlong process, 3276 minutes and 2084 coaching behaviors were coded. Interview data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed inductively. The findings were summarized as follows: (1) There were more non-instruction behaviors than instruction behaviors. The top three most happened behaviors were direction, instruction, and management. The three least happened behaviors were negative modeling, questioning, and physical assistance, respectively. The coaching behavior exhibited during the training sessions depended on training focus as well as its proximity to competition; (2) The coaching behavior's perception was consistent among the coach and players, except for scolding behavior. The inconsistency was due to the different opinions and status between the coach and players. This indicated the importance of coach self-assessment and communication among coach and players. In addition, the suggestions based on the findings were suggested regarding to future study were proposed. |