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The Effects of College Physical Education Teachers' Teaching Styles on Student Learning Behavior in a Physical Education Program
作者 陳偉瑀
本研究目的為:1、探討大專院校體育教師的教導方式對學生體育課學習行為的影響;2、比較男女教師教導方式及對學生學習行為的差異情形。3、比較男女生對體育教師教導方式知覺上及學習行為差異情形。4、探討體育教師教導方式是否能有效預測學生體育課的學習行為。本研究以22所大專院校1950名學生及體育教師22名為研究對象。所使用的工具為「體育教師教導方式量表」及「體育課學習行為量表」。經獨立樣本t考驗、混合設計二因子變異數、多元逐步迴歸後,獲得下列研究結果:1、女教師在「教學態度」與「教學指導」獲得較多學生的認同。2、男女生對於體育教師教導方式知覺上沒有差異存在。3、不同性別的教師對學生在體育課學習行為上沒有影響。4、男生對體育課的「學習動機」及「學習技巧」較女生高。5、體育教師的教導方式能有效預測學生的學習行為。本研究根據結果與發現提出研究結果的建議。The purposes of this study were: (1)to explore the effects of teaching style on physical education students' learning behavior; (2 )to compare the differences between male and female teachers' teaching styles and learning on stufents' behavior; of male and fernale students towards ;(3)to separately compare the differences of perceptions to teachers' teaching styles and learning behavior; (4)to determine the utility of teachers' teaching style in physical education on students' learning behavior. The participants were 1950 students (male 948, female 1002) and 22 teachers (male 13, female 9) from 22 colleges. A 'Teaching Style Inventory' and a 'Learning Behavior Inventory' were administered to the subjects. The results as follows; were found by this study: (1)Female teachers had a better 'teaching attitude' and 'teaching instruction' than the male teachers. (2) There were no significant differences between male and female students in perceptions of teachers' teaching style. (3)There were no significant differences between male and female teachers in terms of students' learning. (4)The male students had better 'learning motivation' and 'learning skill' than the female students. (5)The teachers' teaching style could predict students' learning behavior in a physical education program.
起訖頁 221-232
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200309 (35期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 大專女性體育教師組織疏離之質性研究
該期刊-下一篇 優秀國中羽球教練訓練行為與訓練行為知覺之個案研究




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