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A Study of Leisure Education Program Goals Cognitive Implication in College Students
作者 張孝銘周宏室 (Hung-Shih Chou)
本研究主要目的旨在了解大學生,對大學院校課程中實施休閒教育的認知程度,驗證其認知之實施模式與認知差異情形。研究以大學生為對象,採問卷調查的方式,共回收有效問卷1675份。經統計分析後本研究發現:1、有88.3%的大學生認為在大學院校中應實施休閒教育;此外可融入體育課、軍訓護理課及通識課程來實施。2、本研究根據相關文獻整理出8個休閒教育實施目標,經驗證性因素分析後,發現具有良好之適合度。3、不同性別、年級與學校屬性之大學生在實施目標認知上有顯著差異存在。基於上述發現,研究者建議大學院校可針對學生需求,在相關課程中或開設休閒教育課程,來提昇學生的休閒品質;此外並建議未來研究者可參考此模式,應用與發展不同的休閒教育實施模式。The purpose of the study aimed to understand the situation and differences in implementation of leisure education (LE) in the college students. The research was design to establish and confirm implementation goals of LE in colleges. This questionnaire was adopted from teachers in schools, random sampling method was adopted, and 1675 effective questionnaires were collected. After statistical analysis the results are as follows: a. 88.3% agrees the LE can be adopted in the school, and can implication involve in physical education, military education & nursing, and general study curriculum. b. There is significant difference of sex, class and school on the cognitive of LE implementation goals. c. The confirmatory analysis found that cognitive of LE model is showed that goodness of fit. The results of this study not only can apply to colleges to support leisure recreation for students, but also suggestions for future researchers to develop different model of leisure education through this research.
起訖頁 245-255
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200309 (35期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 優秀國中羽球教練訓練行為與訓練行為知覺之個案研究
該期刊-下一篇 社區婦女休閒滿意與社區意識之關係探討




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