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Sensation and Identity of Taiwan Fans Towards Baseball - Using The Game of Chinese Taipei against Japan in 2001 Baseball World Cup as Example
作者 林千源
棒球是台灣最具歷史、最受歡迎的、象徵了榮譽和驕傲的國家運動。中華棒球代表隊在2001年世界盃棒球賽中的表現,讓我們深刻體會到在國際級的運動比賽中,為本國選手鼓舞喝采,分享喜悅與驕傲的美好經驗。本研究以「攔截訪談」與「問卷調查」兩個部分,探討觀賞世棒賽的動機與觀賞過世棒賽後之滿意度。合計共攔截訪談10位現場觀眾,並發出400份問卷,回收210份問卷,經統計分析後,獲得以下結論:世棒賽時中華隊的球迷以男性、20-40歲、學生,所佔比例較高;世棒賽觀賞者的觀賞動機,主要有為了到場為中華隊加油的「民族情感」、欣賞球賽的「球賽精彩」,以及分享榮耀的「戰績優異」;球迷對世棒賽的比賽精彩性、比賽成績、現場氣氛及球員球技與形象,有高度的觀賞後滿意度;最不滿意的為「購票便利」及「球場容量」。研究顯示球場上的球技表現及代表國家之形象,是吸引球迷到球場觀賞球賽的最佳誘因。Baseball in Taiwan was the most historical and popular sport presenting the sense of honor and pride. We all had appreciated the wonderful experience of being tied together, sharing pleasure and honor while applauding and inspiring players of Chinese Taipei in the international level competition. This study was attempting to investigate the reasons and motivations of spectators spectating the competition Chinese Taipei against other teams and spectator post-satisfaction by means of interrupted interview and questionnaire survey. 10 spectators were interrupted for interview and 400 questionnaires were distributed during the competition. Of the 400 questionnaires, 210 were valid for statistical analysis. After statistical analysis, this study derived the following results. The most fans of world cup baseball were students, male and age 20-40. The main motivation of spectators spectating Chinese Taipei team was to enjoy the competition between Chinese Taipei and other countries and to inspire the players of Chinese Taipei due to the strong affection of nationality and commitment to Chinese Taipei team. Most of baseball fans presented the high degree of spectator motivation and post-satisfactory toward the excitement of competition, player's personal trait, the excellent performance and the live atmosphere. The most dissatisfactory items were the 'convenience of the ticket purchase' and the ' capacity of baseball stadium'. The results of this study indicated that the baseball skill and the image of representing nation to compete was the key incentive attracting fans to appreciate the game.
起訖頁 167-177
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200309 (35期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 大專院校體育主管領導風格與領導效能關係之研究
該期刊-下一篇 夜間使用學校運動場地設施行為模式之研究




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