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Taichi Have I Heard : The Truth of Playing Taichi - By the Concept of 'The Diamond Perfection of Wisdom Sutra'
作者 游添燈
研讀金剛經時發現,整部金剛經所要傳達的主要問題所在,「對發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心者,云何應住?云何降服其心?」,而佛的答覆是「應如是住,如是降服其心」,這當中的「如是」二字,似乎就是解答一切疑難的萬能鑰匙。本研究引述「如是」、「三般若」和「離言般若」的觀念,作為印證和分享個人對習練太極拳和讀金剛經的體悟,依此「四種般若」歸納出太極拳具有這四種準「般若」內涵的具體內容。根據文獻敘述和討論,本研究歸納獲得下列四點心得:一、太極拳具有「實相般若」的理體,人們可以透過修煉而達到太極拳的實質內涵。二、修煉太極拳時,要有「觀照般若」的觀念,在每一個階段和過程都要「用心」修煉,有正當的思維才能將太極拳練好。三、就太極拳而言,與「文字般若」相對應的部分,是指前賢留下來的練拳文獻精華,這些文章依修煉的階段,而各有其修煉的工法要義,而這些內容均存散在諸傳統性文獻中。四、修煉太極拳遇到深刻的道理,通常不容易用言語解說清楚,就如同「離言般若」一樣,它是「言語道斷」,必須靠個人親自去體會,透過揣思摩像,才能體會融通。When researching of 'The Diamond Perfection of Wisdom Sutra,' we realize that the main idea is-'...... develop the supreme-enlightenment mind (Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi), how should their minds abide and how should they be subdued? ' The Buddha said: '......should thus abide and be subdued.' It seems that the words 'should thus' have already answered the whole doubts. In this study, we introduce the concepts of 'Thus,' 'The three insight (prajna)' and 'Far from words insight (prajna)' to share our gains from learning Taichi and reading 'The Diamond Perfection of Wisdom Sutra.' Furthermore, we conclude that the concepts of Taichi are analog to 'The four insight (prajna).' According to the references, we make the following four conclusions: 1. Taichi has the character of 'Real phase insight (prajna).' Therefore, one can attain the truth of Taichi by training. 2. When practicing Taichi, one should have the concept of 'Manifest insight (prajna).' One will learn Taichi well only with right thoughts as well as concentrated mind. 3. Referring to Taichi, 'Words insight (prajna)' means the essence articles written by ancient sages. 4. It won't be easy to expound Taichi's philosophic theories clearly, such like 'far from words insight (prajna)'. Therefore, one should try hard in order to realize its true meaning.
起訖頁 223-234
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 中央國術館發揚本土體育的歷史經驗
該期刊-下一篇 應用共變結構模式編製國中男子肌力和肌耐力的實地測驗




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