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The Construction of Muscle Strength and Muscle Endurance Field Testing in The Boys of Junior High School : GAn application of Covariance Structure Model
作者 林德隆姚漢禱
本研究旨在應用共變結構模式(CSM)編製肌力和肌耐力實地測驗,試受者為六百八十名國中男生,原始資料是紀錄每五秒鐘時段仰臥起坐的成績,最長至兩分鐘為止。資料分析利用SAS的CALIS程式,然後應用Rasch評分量尺模式,建立常模參照評量。從結果分析得到下述的結論:「國中男生的兩分鐘仰臥起坐測驗,肌力之成績表現為十至三十秒、肌耐力的成績表現為是七十至一百一十秒;並且具有良好的組合信度、收斂效度、區別效度和常模。」The purpose of this study was to construct the muscular strength and muscular endurance field testing by the Covariance Structure Model(CSM). The subjects were 680 boys in the junior high school. The raw data coded the performance of every period of 5-seconds. The maximum range was two minutes. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System's (SAS) CALIS procedure. The Rasch rating scale model was used to develop the Norm-Referenced Measurement and evaluation. After the result was analyzed. The conclusion was the following. The strength was the performance of from 10 to 30 second period, and the endurance was the performance of from 70 to 110 second period in the 2-minute sit-ups test of boys, and that had a good of composite reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity and normal.
起訖頁 235-242
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
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