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The Historical Experience of the National Martial Arts Institution Popularizing Local Sports
作者 徐元民莊嘉仁卓旻怡
本研究以探討中央國術館(1928-1943)發揚本土體育之歷史經驗為目的,擬以該館的創館精神與主要的事業為基礎,進而進行該館的歷史評價,乃赴該館原址所在城市-南京蒐集史料,採用歷史研究法進行研究,獲得以下結論:一、中央國術館創館之際,正值西洋體育最為蓬勃發展之時,該館以國術救國的口號,開啟了國人對國術乙項運動的重視,也是本土體育的代表性運動項目,導正了體育只有西洋才有的錯誤印象;而該館創見的國術國考制度以及國體專校所造就的專業人才均有一定的歷史地位與貢獻。二、由於中央國術館的官民屬性與定位不明,因此在推動事業上諸多束縛,這包括政府主導「國術」所產生的失真現象、「國術」與「國防」之間的混淆、以及國術現代化之後所產生的一些後遺症,均是該館推展事業上之限制。三、中央國術館所引發的「國術」與「體育」之論爭、國術國考引發的「對試」論爭以及該館採用新式教育的體制,均值得吾人在推動「國術」與「體育」事業上的鑑戒。This report will discuss the historical experience of the National Martial Arts Institution [NMAI] (1928~1948) and its devotion in popularizing local sports. Historical evaluation will be made on how the institution was formed and the services it provides. Based upon the historical researching method by returning to the institution's original located city, NanJing, the following conclusions can be made: 1. The National Martial Arts Institution was formed when western sports were being introduced in a very fast rate. In order to grab the attention of the local people to emphasis the importance of local sports, 'Martial Arts' was added to be the martyr catchphrase. 'Martial Arts', the most representative local sport, corrected the impression that only the western societies have 'sports'. The institution also made historical contributions by forming the 'National Martial Arts Aptitude Test' and 'National Sports Academy', which has produced many talents. 2. Because there was a lack of coordination between the people and the government on the exact functions of the National Martial Arts Institution, many problems and obstacles were created when promoting different activities. These drawbacks included the government misleading the ideals behind 'Martial Art', the confusion between Martial Arts (Guo-Shu) and National Defense (Guo-Fong), and the side effects of attempting to modernize Martial Arts. 3. The debate created by the National Martial Arts Institution between Martial Arts (Guo-Shu) and National Defense (Guo-Fong), the correct method of creating the 'National Martial Arts Aptitude Tests' and the institution's introduction of the modern sports system are all forewarnings for people promoting martial arts and sports.
起訖頁 211-221
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 青少年休閒滿意度與休閒參與之相關研究
該期刊-下一篇 太極拳如是我聞:以金剛經般若法體的觀點談修煉太極拳的理念




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