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The Research on The Body Outlook Derived from The Thoughts of 'The Book of Changes' and Physical Expression of Tai Chi Tao-Yin
作者 王瑞瑾王仁堂
易經強調以人為自然界的中心,不主張一昧向外追求,以達到征服自然為唯一目標。反而一再強調人要常自省,要注重修身養性。易經某些卦象、卦辭、爻辭是借人體部位來闡明。例如咸卦,以陰陽二氣交感,比喻男女互親互助,此卦之爻辭是以身體各部位的感受為喻,由腳趾開始感應,經小腿、大腿上至臉頰,由下至上徐徐進行。艮卦亦以人體為喻,說明人體背部為最靜止部分,因不受眼、耳、口、舌之干擾。而太極導引強調身體自覺,以人體為開發的中心,鼓勵人們向身體內部的小宇宙去追求,藉著這種向身體內部深層的探索,而能與外在的大宇宙合而為一。繫辭傳云:「窮則變,變則通,通則久。」而太極導引功法設計,唯變所適和天道相合。頗適合各年齡階層的人修練,其身體體現和易經思維的身體觀是相符的。Some of the sixty-four Gua (卦) in 'The Book of Changes' (易經)are elaborated by parts of the human body such as Shen Gua (咸卦), which are further explained to be the transforming of Yin Yang (陰陽), mean overall sensibility coming from the bottom of the toes through calves, waist and end up with the chin. So is Gun Gua (艮卦) introduced by the human body as well referring to the back of the human body being static without any interruption driven by eyes, ears and mouth. Tai Chi Tao-Yin(太極導引) is focusing on self-exploring one's human body and encourages people to probe into the profundity of the inner universe, of which physical expression is coincided with the theory of 'The Book of Changes' in terms of the body outlook.
起訖頁 187-200
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 網球迷之閱聽動機與傳播行為對職業網球球員形象關係研究
該期刊-下一篇 青少年休閒滿意度與休閒參與之相關研究




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