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A Study on The Viewing Motivations and Communication Behavior of Tennis Fans and The Image for The Professional Tennis Players
作者 鄧正忠
本研究旨在瞭解網球迷的閱聽動機與傳播行為對職網球員形象之關聯,進而探討其背景變項、閱聽動機及傳播行為對職網球員形象評估及預測,本研究受試對象為宜蘭縣轄內各網球俱樂部會員及在從事網球運動之球友或觀眾球迷,計發出181份問卷,回收有效問卷160份,並以t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜相關分析及多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析,本研究結果如下所述:一、網球迷在閱聽職網訊息的動機上,首重比賽的戲劇性與競爭性。二、男性球迷對職網訊息的閱聽動機著重在賽球的樂趣,女性球迷則偏重於豐富休閒生活的閱聽動機。三、網球迷對職網訊息的閱聽動機會隨年齡的增加而降低。四、網球迷對職網訊息的閱聽動機增加,則接觸大眾傳播的頻率就越頻繁。五、網球迷接觸大眾傳播越頻繁對職網球員「個人屬性」形象評估就越正面,當網球迷對媒介的評價越高時,就會提高對職網球員整體形象的正面評價。六、形象評估可由「豐富休閒生活的閱聽動機」、「人際傳播行為」及「消遣與人際互動的閱聽動機」等三項來預測。The purpose of this study was to explore the tendency of the viewing motivations and communication behavior of tennis fan and the image for the professional tennis players. A total of 181 questionnaires was sent out and 160 effective questionnaires were returned. One-way ANOVA , t-test , factor analysis , pearson produce-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the collected data .The findings of this study were as the follows: 1. The main viewing motivations of tennis fan was for the drama and contest of games. 2. The main viewing motivations of male was for fun of games , females was to fulfill one's leisure time . 3. There were significant differences between viewing motivations in age. 4. The viewing motivations and the mass communication behavior have significant positive correlation. 5. There were significant positive correlation between 'The mass communication behavior' and 'The personal character images', and 'The media evaluation' and 'total images' both have significant positive correlation. 6. 'The total images' can be predicted by the viewing motivations of fulfill one's leisure time , the interpersonal communication behavior , and the viewing motivations of entertainment and interpersonal utility.
起訖頁 175-186
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 論體育與多元文化教育之整合
該期刊-下一篇 易經思維的身體觀和太極導引身體體現的相關探討




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